Spiderman's costumes

Yeah but I rock the scarlet outfit so having two blue characters and a red looks weird

Please, please, just call me Z

spiderman’s black/gold goes amazingly well with hawkeye DLC outfit shame deadpool sticks out like a sore thumb now :frowning:

omg… that’s too good.

Get the Civil War Iron Man costume and use the Red Doom. It’d probably work well together.

That’s why you pick Nova or Taskmaster instead of Deadpool. ;OOOO

omg i forgot that taskmaster color

Now why would I do that when I paid for the better alternate costume. Just saying

Because it still looks mega-badass?

Xero has no taaaaaaassstttteeeee ;O

Pssh that costume was never that interesting, even as an Iron Man creation. Also the chick on my arm says otherwise :razzy:

should do but deadpool my go to guy when things arnt going well for spidey lol otherwise i wud drop him due to his lack of colours lol

edit: found colour 2 hurray deadpool stays :smiley:

It’s a shame they didn’t make use of Spidey’s Identity Crisis outfits for DLC, or his Noir costume, or his 2099 costume, or his Unlimited costume. At least we get his new FF and pay real money for scarlet spider… :tdown:

I’m pretty happy with Spidey’s Costumes, to be honest. Even in Vanilla and especially in Ultimate, he has the most varied costume lineup by far, and not one of his costumes were mere palette swaps like everyone else. You’d swear his entire wardrobe was DLC. Spidey’s got enough costumes to fill up a store catelog and they picked the coolest ones in my opinion.

The only thing I will complain about is how they changed the Stealth Suit in Ultimate. I freaking loved the Neon Green in Vanilla then they had to change it to a Bleeding Red in Ultimate. It makes more sense canonically, but visually it looks like crap in comparison and color theory dictates that the red blends into black too much to make it stand out. Currently I use the new Spider-Armor outfit, Yellow on Black pretty much has the same aesthetic as the Neon Green costume and I like it.

I would very much like to see more costume DLC for spidey’s outfits though. I haven’t gotten it yet, but the classic Scarlet Spider costume is a nice touch. Maybe 2099 or the new 2012 Scarlet Spider costume next time? I know I’d love to see them do the Miles Morales’ new Ultimate Spider-Man costume. :smiley:

Not a big fan of his DLC threads, would have much rather had a battle damaged Spidey costume, ripped up mask, slashes across his legs and torso… Etc