Spiderman team chemistry

what are people’s thoughts on this. Primarily, I like combining spidey with low tier combinations+tron because tron allows spidey’s mixup game to open up.

imo, spidey can be the one to build bar or be the one to dump it. Unblockable MS is fucking amazing. Even if it interferes with the point character and he doesn’t finish it out, he still can swing out and call his assist. So you can rush\run away with spidey till they call out their assist and just random that shit really quick if they leave their assist alone.

if you want spidey to be the one to dump the bar, imo you have to consider a few things. Spidey as an assist is ehhhh, I still haven’t made up my mind about that yet. His AA from certain height distances will cause OTG but it doesn’t have awesome priority. His capture type is pretty good and its pretty safe to use it properly but if your AA goes, tron doesn’t have an AA now and she can fight as long as she has one.

so if you want spidey to be the one to dump bar, your point character shouldn’t need an AA. That character should have one on their own thats safe+tron. I like to run psy\spidey ron. If I need an AA, psyblade+tron = damage. Its easy life and the same goes for sonson, cammy, chun, or any other character that can do that.

You want a character that can land a hit so spidey has multiple options to dhc. You can always just dhc into MS vs assists that aren’t covered properly for an easy way in.

Now if spidey is on point starting off the round, the teams aren’t as compatible. I asked mixup to show me something with spidey and he came up with spidey\morrigan ron. The dhc’s hurt, you can get morrigan in safely sorta but spidey actually has an AA to work off of. Spidey’s s.rh is great from the right angles but who’s to say that you’ll get those angles all the time.

just my 2 cents. Spidey is hard to use and his mixup game is kinda weird to work with but I swear to god he’s broken.

So what do people think about about spidey’s best way to function, starting off the round where he has proper team function or put him in 2nd where he take advantage of bar? personally, I’m torn on the two because imo, both ways work but if I had to pick one, I’d pick the spidey on point version.

I see Spidey on point in teams built to keep him there. A 2/3 chemistry kind of team where an AA or a space controlling assist is there primarily to give him room to maneuver and set something up. Its a shame his assists lack so much because then it wouldn’t feel like your babysitting him with one or more team members. For that reason I think its either Spidey/Tron/AA that LOVEs Tron or one of those random low-tier squads w/o Tron that just clicks.

There’s got to be some lesser used low tier assists that glitch out spidey some more. I know for a fact that spidey/CapCom is a contender because today i did throw into Captain Corridor which grounds them, then I waved dash right through them getting up. It was Dash-Dash, pause, Dash or something, in that hyper frequency that works magic with Psy sometimes. I’ve got dfFP launcher to scoop solo before from that situation, very weird. SPidey/Tron/CC is very much a baby-sit team, though decent DHCs.

Edit: I remember seeing a really good vid of a mexican Spider-guy. Dude used Spidey/Doom for wacky launch, FP into rocks, pick a side on landing to reset.

spidey\mando ron could work vs top tiers because spidey has a hard time pinning people who run away but that is a spidey centric team vs tops. Spidey goes and that squad is done. So far mixups spidey squad is striking me as the best version, spidey\morrigan ron. I used to run something similar, spidey\chun ron but the dhc into chun is doesn’t compare damage wise to morrigans. But spidey can work off of chuns AA way better than morrigans. There’s trade offs right there.

c.lk, c.mk, s.rh, max delay tron call, sj.fp is the exact same thing as that doom setup + it does half life per combo instead of 20% and you still get the random switch side shit upon landing because the opponent is still in the air.