Some concrete info on Web of Spider-Man, aside from Spider-Girl being in the book.
OK, if May had all that family, where were they when was about to drop dead every day?:wtf:
Yeah but they like to pull stuff out of nowhere. JJJ’s dad being alive? Huh…
Yeah that was a little weird, so is the fact that Peter and Mary can’t be together, but Aunt May the ever dying wonder can shack up with JJJ’s dad. Maybe it’ll be like a Sean Connery style relationship, so I got something to laugh at.
So American Son is finished, what did you all think? The potential for failure was indeed there, but the dialogue was rather impressive and while the concept was kinda…out there, I felt they convinced me well enough. It ended rather oddly for me, I don’t want to see Harry regress back into his old lifestyle.
Also, I nominate Norman Osborn for biggest comic dick of the year.
I saw a bit of it in store and LOL at Norman not mentioning the kids he had with Gwen to his new baby. Marvel should take this opportunity to say they died since they had short life spans anyway.
I think they are just trying to forget them entirely, Marvel knows how to get rid of no-no’s well.
Didn’t you hear? Actually reading or knowing anything about Marvel Comics was never a prerequisite to writing Marvel Comics. These guys are a joke.
ASM 600 wasn’t bad. Your standard Anniversary issue. Stan Lee’s story was hella funny, made the book for me. Happy to see MJ back. :lovin:
The comic is HUGE! It took so long to finish that I literally fell asleep while reading it. I’m not sure whether that’s good or bad.
Yeah for 5 bucks you do get your money’s worth. Still I can do without every story in the book except for Slott’s and Stan’s. At least they went all out for 600. Listing all the people who were the first to have their fan letters printed in ASM #3 was a really nice touch.
I still don’t buy Norman having no beefs about killing Harry because he knocked up Lily to have a better son. Norman has always been an a-hole, but he’s always cared for Harry in his own effed up way.
I’m surprised Jameson Sr. lived through ASM#600. You know he’s being set up to die, right? I mean the guy ha zero character flaws unless you count being Marty Stu as a flaw. May being married changes the status quo of the book. And we can’t have that in ASM, no sir! May know that sack of bone for all of 20 seconds, got in bed with him then married him? Now that’s a rushed wedding. All Marvel’s talk about Peter and MJ rushed their marriage but they had lots of history together. And does anyone remember what happened to Nathan, aunt May’s main squeeze for nearly 10 years? Yeah, it ain’t lookin’ so hot for Jameson Sr.
Well JJJSr went AWOL, and has a strained relationship with his son, those can be attributed to flaws I suppose.
I thought Nathan and her were done after his gambling addiction, he ended up being killed because he sucked and yelled a lot.
Norman pretty much did his last thing with Harry, his last try to make Harry his perfect son. When that failed, he was done, Harry was nothing more than a failed experiment to Norman now. He has to much to worry about currently, that reconciling with his strained son is the last thing on his mind. I just hope Harry doesn’t go back to his old ways as eluded to in the panel.
Norman is all kinds of messed up, really, I both love and hate this character. All trademarks of a good villain.
Aunt May needs to die again, seriously, the woman can’t stay around forever. She was old when Peter was 15, now look at her. She serves no purpose other than to hold Peter back, and give him a stupid crutch that got old a long time ago.
JJJ as mayor is cool though, since he looks like an un-roided version of Mike Haggar in a way. JJJ will lariat his way to victory.
DeFalco talkin’ Spider-Girl again. :lovin:
Spider-Man #601 Preview. Hmm looks like BND Spider-Man wakes up in bed next to somebody. DUN DUN DUUUUN! I got five bucks on Aunt May.
Beat me to it. What happened to the Waid that wrote Kingdom Come? I miss that guy.
San Diego Comic Con Spectacular Spider-Man panel info.
ASM #601 was alright. With no Lily and Carly (please never return) and MJ being back it read like a story out of the 90s cartoon or something being set in the movie world. I guess I can deal with that. I hope they start dating soon at least. First BND story by Waid I kind of liked.
ASM #601
[details=Spoiler]So he didn’t sleep with MJ, he slept with Vin’s sister but you saw that coming a mile a way. He called her a Devil and you know how BND Spidey loves Satan. Yes I know Mephisto is not Satan, I keed I keed. :clown:
MJ knows Peter is Spidey. I mean, logically she should know but after the whole Mephisto spell thing, she really shouldn’t now? I hope I don’t have to wait another freaking year for Marvel to explain this.
I’m quite surprised she remembered his identity. Over the years I’ve heard enough people bitch about ‘Parallel Lives’ (I’m rather indifferent about the retcon of MJ seeing Spidey leave his house the day Uncle Ben was murdered, when you go back and read the older stories it seems plausible) that I thought MJ not knowing his I.D… ‘now’ would be their way of undoing that. Ah well, I’m happy she does know his identity.
I hope when Felicia shows up she will remember his identity too. Kind of blows that Daredevil still doesn’t know who he is but that scene where they spoke with each other in 600 was done really well by Slott. So it’s cool for now.[/details]
I never really felt the 1602 universe but the Spider-Man of 1602 will get his own book. Might be interesting. Not sold yet but I’ll keep an eye on it.
The new issue of Spider-Man sucked. He goes from fighting both Green Goblins to fighting Doctor Octopus and now just yap yap yap foolishness. For a second I thought I was reading a PMS Thor comic. Even the backup story sucked. Pick up the pace Spider-Man.