Spider-Man, The Amazing Thread

How do they explain Harry coming back from the dead?

Didn’t he die way back in the early 90s (like 93 I think)?

And I am enjoying the latest arc. I think BND had a bit of a rough start in trying to introduce the world of Spiderman and creating a new rogue’s gallery. But looking back, it wasn’t a bad idea. I wasn’t a huge fan of the spider totem and direction JMS/Marvel took.

And there should be a rule in comic books. Don’t kill major villians. Minor. Or perhaps elevate some minor to medium level threat and kill them off…like Kraven or Hobgoblin.

The method for getting Harry back from the dead is really moot.
I mean how many times has a character returned from the dead believably in comics?
I’d rather them not say how and just go with it because I’m willing to bet the “answer” is dumb and will just make people madder.

Personally, I think he’s part of a larger mystical conspiracy and not actually Harry Osborn (entirely) but that’s just me.

Agreed, well at least the first part, as for the conspiracy I haven’t been interested in ASM enough to give it much thought. :confused:

Actually I think Slott recently said he’s (or someone else) going to address Harry returning soon, and how they made everyone forget his identity.

it’s magic. they don’t have to explain it

recent cup of Joe, Someone asked if Ben was returning and Quesada, rather than say no said. ‘keep reading Amazing Spider-man.’


Reggie have you heard the David Michelinie interview podcast up on Crawl Space? Freaking awesome.


Cody - Maybe he just meant Ben Rielly who will have a flashback appearance in the upcoming Spider-Man / X-Men comic anyway, maybe… :wonder:

Spider-Man Family was cool. The first BND story was great but not the second one, the second was more about the usual BND Parker being a loser oooh… Mr. And Mrs. Spider-Man stole the show once again. There are some nice reprints that chronicle Hammerhead’s first appearances in ASM. :lovin:

Spider-Girl was excellent! I’m hoping it does go past issue 30 and doesn’t get the axe like the rumors go.

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane under Moore has been interesting. I still miss McKeever on the book but it’s been fun. McKeever just knows Spider-Man’s world a lot better than Moore does and it shows up in the material. Well McKeever is a self admitted Spider-Nerd like myself after all lol!

Venom Dark Origins has been entertaining. A lot of retcons but I don’t mind them so much. I wonder what they are going to do now that Peter and MJ are no longer married, they are probably better off ending the story just prior to ASM 300. Guess will have to see how it plays out.

One more issue of New Ways To Die next week! Hoping that Anti-Venom kicks a lot of ass! :tup:

New videos and images of spider-man web of Shadow

Looks great but I’m going to hold off for now. Hell of a lot of games coming out in the next few months for me. It’s always like that, they cram a bunch of great game releases towards the end of the year instead of having cool stuff come out all year long… Can’t blame them, X-Mas rush and everything… Still, I’m having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around the overall storyline for Web of Shadows. Trailers don’t reveal everything, but still… Well I’ll wait for reviews from friends and people I trust to see…

Read the two part Spidey vs. Firelord story last month on my ASM Complete Collection DVD-ROM. Story was crazy bananas! :looney: LOVED IT!

Also picked up the soft cover of Kraven’s Last Hunt a few weeks ago. It’ll be my first time reading the whole story. :woot:

The rumors held true, Spider-Girl is getting canceled with issue #30.

:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

New Ways to Die concludes with a nice bang. If only this team was on the whole series…oh well.

I have to add that Norman Osborn with a “World’s Greatest Dad” mug was all kinds of hilarious.

Agreed. Great issue!

Colbert back up by Waid was kind of a letdown. Colbert’s appearance in FNSM was a hell of a lot funnier and that was only a few panels…

JRjr will be back on the book in January 2009. Guggenheim will write that arc. Kind of on the fence because while I love Gugg on Wolverine, I’m not crazy about his Spider-writing. I’ll hang out and see who the villains are I guess.

I never saw the FNSM issue, but I thought the back up was hilarious and vintage Colbert.
Maybe I watch his show too much?

Could be. I’ve seen his show about 3 times total. I’ll try to watch Comedy Central more 'cuz Chocolate News was HYSTERICAL last night! :lol:

So still trying to figure out if Spider-Man is married or not in Web of Shadows. So far I got -

IGN.com = Married
Wikipedia = Married
Newsarama = Not married

…WTF? RETCON GONE WRONG! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Eh, I give up and I’ll get it anyway. :looney:

**Spider-Man Web of Shadows: **I’ve only played about an hour so not too much for me to say at this point. But so far…

The only bad thing I have to say about it is that I hate hate HATE Spider-Man’s voice. Bear in mind to me whenever I read Spider-Man I will always hear his Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends voice, but I don’t mind his 90s cartoon voice or his Capcom games voice because truth be told they are all kind of similar to my ears. This voice I couldn’t stand. I suppose it just may take some getting used to, hmm.

Oh and the booklet the game comes with sucks. Talk about bear bones. No story, no character bios, no color, nothing. BTW the booklet that Castlevania Order of Ecclesia too sucks just as bad, which hurts even worse because I know the Japanese booklet for this Castlevania is all kinds of awesome without even seeing it, just like every single booklet that has ever come with a Japanese game…

As for whether or not Spider-Man is married to MJ, so far nothing contradicts the two being married but nothing flat out states that they are married either. Well this is just with an hour of play…

The game itself is a lot of fun! Free roaming and you go on missions, that kind of thing. The combat system is Devil May Cry-ish in that you perform combos. LOL Spider-Man has a Shoryuken and you GOTTA see his Web Hadouken! :rofl:

You can wear the Black Suit early on but I’m probably not going to use it much because the more you use it, the darker Spidey becomes and it effects the story. Eh I like my Spidey not being dark… Black Suit Spidey can pick up cars and throw them at people while regular Spidey can’t. I mean, regular Spidey is strong enough to do it but I guess the thinking behind this is that regular Spidey wouldn’t up and damage property like that, I suppose. Interesting.

Fun game so far! :tup:

Oh, how I have wanted to find a thread or a message board full of clone saga enthusiasts! So tell me, am I the only person out there who’s attempting to put it in perfect chronological order, including all of the crossovers, tie-ins and cameo appearances–and even the inter-company stories which technically aren’t canon? Let me just say that it takes a TON of work and searching for back issues, but it’s interesting as well.

Ultraverse comics were relevant for a time, although their effect was almost nil. Since I’ve been including all of the lead-up to Onslaught, Juggy’s timely and mysterious return to the fold can easily be explained if one were to read the Exiles comic where he got sent back. His inability to access the memory that Onslaught was in fact Charles Xavier? Not so much. But still!

I’m also including every Daredevil comic, since it was like the sister title to all the Spider-titles. He teamed up with Spidey all the time and otherwise played around in Spidey’s world quite a bit. Likewise with Venom, Green Goblin and New Warriors.

Also–any comics released after the fact with Ben Reilly flashbacks, or just flashbacks to the clone saga…and the Savage Dragon/Destroyer Duck comic in which Reilly and Howard the Duck make an appearance. Have I forgotten anything? Any suggestions as to a good chronological reading order?

I’m assuming you know about Ben Reilly appearing in the DC / Marvel crossover. He will also appear in the new Spider-Man X-Men crossover, issue 3 I believe. It will be a story set in the past.

The Scarlet Spiders in Avengers Initiative are a nod to the Clone Saga. In name only as their design is still the red yellow Spidey Armor that Joe Quesada designed.

Also, when Peter Parker went undercover in his school during Civil War in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man he took the identity of Ben Reilly.

In Sensational Spider-Man, about a year or two ago there was a storyline where people were temporarily copying Spider-Man’s powers due to drug use. In one scene people wearing every Spider costume you can think of were locked behind bars, including the Scarlet Spider outfit.

Obviously there’s Spider-Girl where that series is directly tied to the Clone Saga.

If I were you I would try PMing Pryde, our resident Clone Saga fan. :smile:

BTW Jackpot reveal in the Spider-Man Annual was wierd… We got some answers but more questions. Seems like the mystery between Jackpot and MJ isn’t over yet… Overall didn’t enjoy the issue though. Wish they would of thrown us more of a bone on this one with regards to more info…

My attempt to piece these things together:

Spider-Man Annual

[details=Spoiler]Jackpot was revealed to be a woman named Alana Jobson who died in the same annual. It looks like Sara Ehret may take the Jackpot role now.

So my guestimates as to what the heck is going on:

Alana Jobson

Ls and Rs are interchangeable in Japanese.

Arana = Spider in Spanish


Jiggle the letters around you get snojob, or “Snow Job”

Alana Jobson = Spider Snowjob. Spidey’s been had.

Sara Ehret - This one is more obvious, jiggle the letters in her last name and you get Three. Three means Jackpot (Alana Jobson), Sara Ehret and Mary Jane.

It probably has something to do with whatever MJ whispered into Mephisto’s ear. I think she said something like, “I want to be Peter Parker’s lover, best friend and fight along side him and I’ll offer you part of my soul and / or lifespan.” And that would be Alana Jobson who just croaked. Obviously, Mephisto messed this deal up and split her into 3 people.

LOL I’m probably wrong about EVERYTHING in this post but you almost have to blind to not see that there is some kind of mystery going here and they did not just randomly name Alana and Sara. Just saying. [/details]