Spending splurg!

Hit the gym. Sometimes you get caught up just spending money on what you want just because you can. But how much time are actually spending using the things that you buy? Probably not half as long as you spent shopping around for it. It’s an addiction, same as smoking or drinking. I have mountains of crap that seemed like a good idea at the time. Hitting the weights or some road work helps me think and recompose myself.

P.S. - $350 is not enough, I got two kids myself. College is ridiculously expensive, and school loans suck.

lmao priorities

Street Fighter > Children’s future

come on, dude, no self respecting man is gonna call themselves a pet for having a sugar momma. that sounds too gay

Get a divorce. =P



So you guys dont think $75,600 is enough help for college?

I do agree most of the arcades i buy i dont use but my oldest daughter likes playing them…Oh & its not about me not having money. My problem is that i know im over spending, im not the type person who like spending money, i would rather have lots of money stacking up in the savings then actually spending, i mean i still have boxers from high school.

My problem is that i have these moods where i keep spending just to spend or collect, that i probably dont need. I mean im thinking of picking up another candy cabinet & i dont have room in my house for it.

Uhh one is in school & the other is only 1 year old sleeping!

I have the same problem…but with my own money (which I don’t have much of). Looks like I really gotta buckle down…starting last week it looks like LOL

I know exactly what you mean. I’m the same way, I consider myself very frugal when it come to commodity items like clothes and food, and have been taught growing up to save, save, save. Recently over the past year or so though I have had a bad habit of spending money on stuff I don’t need, just because it seems like it’s a ridiculous deal and may never be that cheap again, so I end up buying it and more or less hoarding it.

What’s helped me is taking up a new/different activity that requires a lot of your attention so you kind of “forget” about your spending addiction.

Also, stop visiting stores/websites that have the stuff you’re looking to buy; that or at least minimize any exposure or ease of accessing said websites (block/delist email blasts with sales/specials from the site), remove any bookmarks/shortcuts you have, don’t save/auto login your ID & passwords.

Private four-year colleges charge, on average, $26,273 per year in tuition and fees. On average, tuition tends to increase about 8% per year. So you might think 75K is enough (per kid I hope)…but these averages paint a different picture.

If your children are making use of your purchases then it can help you make you feel somewhat justified, but waste is waste. When you binge on anything, you are just consuming and not really enjoying whatever you are using. Why not slow down and enjoy what you just purchased? Or better yet, plan an event or trip where you can enjoy your purchases with friends or family. I am not judging, I catch myself from time to time doing the same thing (did I really need to buy four custom sticks last month when I only get to play a few hours a month?). I think between exercise and the event planning you should be able to break this pattern, hopefully before TLC knocks on your door asking if they can film an episode of…

Private universities are always more expensive. If they wanna go to a private school they can get loans for the difference.

Introduce me to her rich asian sister.

Glad someone can relate on what im trying to get at. Like i said its not about the money, houses & cars are all paid for already…Future of my kids in terms of money is fine…