Hey guys, im currently trying to craft a team around spencer/doom. Does anyone know of any good anchor or second characters that can fit on this team?
task, sent, magneto, dante, trish, ama
It really depends on what assist you are using with doom. If you are going with hidden missiles, you might want to use an anchor that gives you a horizontal assist to help you get in with Spencer. Taskmaster, Sentinel, Hawkeye, and Magneto are all good choices. If you’re using Doom’s beam assist, you might want to choose a character that can help you get another UVG. Vergil, Dante, and Wesker are good choices as well.
I feel that Spencer’s best position is point, and Doom’s best position is second. Hidden missiles IMO is the best choice, so I would run with a horizontal assist anchor character.
Best synergy
Spencer/Doom(Beam)/Ammy; Spencer/Doom(either)/Sentinel; Spencer/Iron Man(Beam)/Doom(Missiles)
Good synergy
Spencer/Dorm/Doom(Missiles); Spencer/Magneto/Doom(Missiles); Spencer/Doom(Beam)/Vergil(Rapid Slash) (Order can be switched);
Okay synergy
Spencer/Doom(Missiles)/Akuma; Spencer/Dante(Jam Session)/Doom(Beam) (order can be switched with Weasel Shot and Missiles substituted as well)
Class is about to end, but there are others I can think of that I’ll post later.
iron fist
:eek: I don’t know why I haven’t tried it yet, but Spencer/Frank/Doom is pretty sweet, actually.
I run a more stable (read: easier) team of Spencer/Storm/Akuma, but Spencer/Frank/Doom is a little deadlier despite having to trade some ease of play.
The thing I like the most about both of those teams is the fact that Spencer can get fully rewarded for birthdays through THC and the team can also stand to play defensively, which is something not many Spencer teams are capable of.
How is Spencer/Hulk(wave)/Doom(missiles)?
well um you get 3 extra 80ks lol dont know much about hulk synergy tbh
GX used this team for quite a while.