I haven’t been to any of the websites but it’s clogging up all of the whats new and it’s kind of annoying.
I guess there’s no way to stop it aside from blocking the profiles individually when they pop up? Has anyone been to any of the sites that have been spammed?
The Wizard and Watson feud over who can be the true successor of McRibs has been a lengthy and drawn out conflict. Now, with Watsons newly found allies in the Azusa council, they are launching their populace of 100 year old living folk who harbour the dark arts of Korean Spam Bots onto Wizards sacred Shah Rukh Khan worshipping stronghold. These are the times we live in now.
Every once and a while, bots figure out a way through the registration systems of high volume forums. This is not something unique to us; even Blizzard has big bot problems on their forums before. This is one of those situations of weapons vs armor; sometimes one is stronger than the other. When the weapon is more powerful, heeeeeello spam.
At any rate, we’re on invite only registration for the time being to try to deal with the recent influx of Korean bots. Sorry for the spam, we’re doing our best to deal with it.
If you see a thread with a video posted from the NightshiftSurpeme channel, he’s not a bot. He’s some loser who is notorious for shit-posting and linking his dumbass videos on various forums.
In other words, feel free to give him “constructive comments” since you aren’t alerting a bot net.