SoVA Stream - When and Where?

Here’s the deal.

The only reason I’m doing this stream is for you guys, the community. The equipment, the venue, the drinks, the whatever I provide for the stream every week is all to get SoVA hype, get on the map, and fun for everyone (including me).

So, if it’s for the community, I have to do what the community wants. I need to know when and where you guys want this stream to be.

It can’t be at my place forever. O-NO and his boss kindly agreed to let us stream after hours at the Play N Trade on Upton Drive in Virginia Beach. Randumbcat may be able to get us a spot and Games N Trade (still pending, still lots of talking and figuring out to do).

I really don’t care what day of the week this is done on. I’m free everyday as of right now. The consensus is usually on Tuesday or Thursday, though. Tuesday, 8 on the Break takes most of the viewers. They start before us and have been around much longer than us. Understandable. I agree that viewers aren’t everything, though. As long as everyone is having fun, it’s a moot point to me.

Thursday, not many streams are going on at the time we’re broadcasting (on the East Coast, anyway). Less people seem to be able to make it out on Thursday, though. So there’s a possibility of less players and more viewers. Possibility. We may get less of both depending on what’s going on that day.

So, I’m going to ask the community what they want, and I’m going to abide by that. A big reason I would like it to be at Play N Trade is for one, it’s out of my home, and for two, it’s fairly close. I’d still be willing to go out to Game N Trade with this stuff, because, again, it’s out of my home. A bigger venue, more setups.

Let’s figure this shit out, SoVA. For me?

Edit: Remember, GnT is not guaranteed. It’s just an idea. I would just like to know your preference if it happens that both are available. PnT is already a go.

Question: Would we still need to RSVP if we were to hold this at PnT or GnT? or is the whole RSVP thing only for your house, Jinks?

If you have it on thursday it will definitely get more exposure, I can’t really think of any other important points. shyeah