Southwest SSF4: AE Online League

Depends on peopls connections. Im on business class internet and get 3 green bars with people on both coasts. People just need to step their internet game up.

S0uthwest??? That’s me br0…cali cm0n n0w where the fuc did you learn directions??? You must lose to us alot

Go here

Notice how SRK divides the different regions?

California is Pacific South and Pacific North.

This is the Southwest (Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado)

Bars are a very vague description of connection quality. Huge difference playing people from Norcal 3 bars and people a state over with three bars

im down

Going to sit down Monday to work out a ranking/matchmaking system. If anyone has any ideas, be sure to let me know! I may make it a single division league until we get enough players to sign up. I’ll open registrations once we get all of the kinks worked out!

Yup I’ll probably swing by and listen to your ideas and let you know what I think of them.

Has this gone anywhere? I’d definitely be down. (SW CO here)

I’m completely down with this idea. However I am only on Playstation, so I dunno if that will change the way we do things.

I’m in, I’ll get the rest of my city in too. Or at least try to.

Reporting for duty sir!

Im down!

Strangely enough this thread got stickied while the other one didn’t. Anyway, the League is down right now because Panda’s baby was just born. It’ll be back at a later time.

lol I noticed that a couple of days ago. The official League thread was stickied before, but this one replaced it. Weird… Anyways, my son was just born this past Friday. Things are pretty hectic right now, so I’ve had to halt this thing in the mean time. Once I have time, I’ll post back in here and get things going again.
It’s not active right now, but if you guys want to check out the Arkansas Fighting Game Network’s website, you can view all of the League’s details and current rankings.
Navigate to the League tab after you spend some time checking out our site!

ok why not

My gamertag is in signature. Add me if you like. I would like to make friend ^^. Thank you.


I like.

If its for 360 then I’d be more than happy to join. Just a warning that I’m kind of a noob at this game so if I do get in I’ll probably be in the lowest ranks. My gamertag is my sig.

This league has kind of taken a break, but I’m looking into getting things started again very soon. Going to change the whole format on how it works, so this current system will be useless. My son was born a couple of months ago and I’ve been too busy to run this thing, haha. I have a lot of good ideas for it though. Keep checking back here!

Oh alright thats cool oh and congrats man.