Southtown Arcade - SF, CA - THE EXILES 2013.06.15, 12PM @ goforaloop Gallery

Will there be CVS2 ranbats tomorrow? I’m new to the area and looking to get some action.

Next cvs2 ranbat is going to be this coming Sunday 11/11 at 4 PM. Hope to see you there.

I’m going to try and stop by Friday night to get some practice. I would’ve stopped by this past Friday, but the arcade was closed :arazz:

Hello STA,

Please fill out your weekly,bi-weekly or monthly events/sessions info using the template provided in the “Pac. North events/session list thread” and PM me to have it added to the list.

Thanks in advance.

I will be there STA 3-7pm, want comp for cvs2, please come get some, grrr phil black rob…once i get warmed up on that a groove team bas shit, you wont be able to do those lucky things :slight_smile: and leezy, im temporarily living in the city, come give me the same beat downs you used to at svgl etc, u know how we do. if any1 has a setup, we can session near union square eh, lemme know

Bring it :slight_smile: The more old school players the better

STA closed yesterday? but does anyone know if they open today Sunday? and is there new hours or something?

yea they’re open today. i’ll be stopping by later to see their new wii. I’ll be playing sf4, marvel 3 or cvs2!

I will just leave this here.

R.I.P. STA. You were a blast.

We’ll rage it one last weekend…


RIP STA and RIP CvS2 NorCal scene

so sad

They did say they plan on continuing this season’s ranbats at a different location. I’m looking forward to seeing how that all works out.

any1 near union square wanna session with a setup? MVC3 CVS2 or SF4AE, i was the one ocv-ing you in cvs2 with p groove pink chang, jk! message me

I’d take you up on the offer, but I’m out of town this weekend. You should ask around at the ranbat tomorrow though, I know Maka and maybe a couple of others would be down.

Damn I was really hoping to make it today, but can’t. Right now I want to cry.

RIP STA. Wish I came more often.

I am like a 5 minute walk away from STA, i would like to have meet ups with other players. I only play AE 2012 though.

STA is closed, though their are still meets going on around the city.

I’m up for offline sessions near the city, I live in the financial district myself. Hit me up, just moved here from the UK, London.