Soul Society: Rose General Discussion!

Yeah, the biggest thing for me with Soul Piede was the shorter range. In vanilla I think it had longer range than s.HK. I still use it sometimes. It’s very different from s.HK. I’ve noticed it’s kind of weird with U2 out because her whole body drops forward then moves back, which moves the orbs.

I had a huge gripe with some of the changes to her normals. Her f+hk was one of them.

Followed the Canada Cup finals yesterday, featuring Gootecks playing Rose in the Top 8. Since he started doing Crosscounter and overall SF4 coverage I didn’t think much of him as a top player, but he had a very decent performance. Good footsies, some solid combos and a few U2 setups I didnt see before. It will end up on Youtube ater a few days. He won against Jozhear (a Vega match that might serve as a reference) and went out against JSMaster, who sports one of the greatest boxers so it’s no suprise.

On a side note, his commentary when Mike Ross was playing was hilarious.

hope to see some video of this soon

Gootecks did a great performance with Rose at the Canada Cup. It was very solid play.

Can anyone here explain to me the the frame data for rose’s fireballs? I’m looking at the numbers from eventhubs and for recovery it says 52, 52, 53 for light medium fierce (respectively). I know her fierce recovers faster than her light but im a little confused at the numbers. I don’t think it matters much since rarely would rose ever use anything but light but it would be nice to know. On a random tangent side note, ryu recovers from a fireball in 45 and rose recovers in 52!!! That’s ryu + 7. That my friends has to be the WORSE recovery in the game.

Well don’t ask somebody to explain the frame data, and then conclude it’s the worst recovery in the game. I’m 95% sure that 52/52/53 means total frames for each fireball. Not sure why they do that, since it obviously gets misinterpreted.:confused:

K you were right. That was a bit hasty. After your explanation, i proceeded to compare the recovery for a few characters and this the result: akuma +30, ryu +32, sakura +33, Ken +33, seth + 34, Sim +34, Rose +38. Rose has the worse recovery out of the list i gathered thus far but i left out quite a few and by all means you can fill in the blanks and hopefully prove me wrong.

Edit: this is of course comparing the light versions and didnt take into account those with varying speeds e.g. sim, sakura, rose(but seriously, excluding those meaty wakeups, does anyone use anything but light fireballs for rose)

ehhhh…U1 usage, you recover faster so you’d be able to activate it faster, i can only ever get U1 on someone with a light fireball by shooting it fullscreen then dashed in as they plan on jumping over the fireball. as for combos? idk…too big of a delay, i dont wanna get mashed srk’ed in between, might make for unexpected counter hit setups though?

Even Guile has varying recovery. His LP sonic boom is the fastest recovering fireball hands down.

I do use all sparks depending on the match up and situation. They can work in conjunction with spiral/piede/slide/soul throw/U1/U2 for anti airs or anything that can bypass a fireball, but don’t inherently grant that player any frame advantage while doing so. Or use MP spark in footsie range.

Spiral + Spark mixups are good because both specials look similar on start up so you might catch somebody thinking they can focus a fireball, or neutral jump a spiral.

mp to zone.

hp to zone.


the thing about the lp fireball dash ultra 1 trick is people generally see it a mile away. My friend even jumps in on purpose just to ex tatsu at the last second in my face. Fireball into ultra 1 is too gimmicky imho.

mp and hp to zone seems kinda bad b/c of the horrendous startup and hitboxes. The firece actually makes your hitboxes stick out a bit before the projectile actually comes out making jump-ins easier =/. The fast speed makes it easier to neutral jump.

MP doesn’t even have terrible start up lol.

It’s good to mix around your fireballs from full screen. LP Spark isn’t the best fireball all the time since some character can punish it from full screen when they hear you say “soul spark”.

never thought about baiting a bait?

in the situation that you said, you spark fadc and bait u1, he jumps and you soul throw or anti air c.hp/slide

if i were to see a rose fireball fadc forget jumping i’d just block and expect a throw or just fireball/ex back(i play ryu’s a lot).
Fireball fadc works when you need momentum or both players are a poke away. But at full hp its better to keep building meter and strong xx spiral xx super. Ultra 1 is too hard to land when they expect it.

I do agree that the medium fireball is viable with less recovery and i have started to try to mix it in…It’s just if imma throw a 52 total frame projectile, the light one seems to create more pressure. If im trying to win a fireball war, reflect does a better job than throwing fireballs back and forth.

momentum like when abel has u1 charged and you want to bait him, or similar…

I havent seen much discussion on frame traps (they’re all the craze now-a-days) anyone got frame traps for Rose? The only ones I know are,,, c.fp (lots of recovery time on her c.fp so make sure you hit!)

when abel has u1 charged, a lot of times he’s just waiting for the fireball animation and is buffering his u1 so fireball fadc backwards does work…but if he doesnt respond to it essentially you wasted 2 meters for a normal fireball =/.

when i say momentum i mean when your on a roll and youre rushing your opponent down…if he gets away somehow (eg backdash, jumping backwards, etc) i like to waste those two meters to fadc out of my fireball to keep the pressure up and not let him have time to recover. That’s just me though…

Im in a big ass rut anybody want to get some casuals? The closer to Jerz the better.

got it, well that’s a good fighting style i think (i mean yours)…btw for what i was saying think about that if it works you can punish also with an u1. It’s risky, but not that useless :slight_smile: