Hello dear community,
I’m a newbie here, I searched for the special section so I can introduce myself; but missed it? ?
Sorry if this is the case, I’ll fix this
Lately, I wanted to play a little 2X again on the Dreamcast
Sometimes the game will have like a freeze after a fight, like this:
link to video example
It does not happen always, sometimes I can finish the game fine.
When it happens, it’s not always on the same enemy, but i always after a victory.
When the freeze happens I can only reset with 4 buttons+start, no other way out.
I can replace lens and everything, but it would be fine to have a clue of what is the cause of all this so
I do not replace working parts.
I also tried various discs and burn settings
(no one agrees on discjuggler correct settings across the internet btw)
I have a pal dreamcast, region changed to japan.
I cannot use the original disc because It’s made not to work with RGB and I use SCART RGB, so I use the RDC release.
Everything is pristine inside, lens is clean, and all the other games work perfectly.
If anyone has a clue on this, thanks a lot, I’m going mad with this