I have the same scenario from Carol/Tony’s beam super.
There is not an inescapable way, but the most safe of them all, at least from the testing I’ve done, is to simply add to the damage during their beams (you can set up graces during this time for later stuff) and as the opponent is getting knocked down, you just do an EoA right in the middle of the screen, and wait for the enemy’s tech to palm-teleport anywhere.
TP-up gets you the most ambiguous situation, since they can cross themselves up, TP-away gets you to safety and back to neutral if things go south, and TP-HP gets you to other side, so there’s that.
I’m definitely a Doctor Strange main, 100%, was in UMVC3 as well
Anyways, something I LOVE doing with Doctor Strange is the Spell of Vishanti instant blow ups. I mostly play Mind Stone currently, and having 8 extra bars every match is pretty interesting in neutral game. Anytime an opponent does anything, just SOV on reaction. Maybe it’s fraudulent, but it feels nice to punish someone who tries to do anything.
However, I would love to be able to get more from it.
Can any characters tag in and then combo straight off of a raw SOV? Can anyone tag in and combo off of a raw SOV if the enemy starts at jump/super jump height? Can anyone ‘DHC’ after a SOV at the end of a Doctor Strange combo? It feels like SOV just insta-launches them to the ceiling, so most follow up supers whiff. I’ve been fixing that by just not ending the combo with Strange, and doing SOV second (if I don’t want to do a reset instead).
My guess is that the answer is it requires a character with a teleport. Something like a raw SOV -> tag in Dormammu -> teleport, jHK -> teleport to floor -> do stuff. I haven’t had the time to run through the entire cast yet, but it’s just something I’ve been wanting to try.
I miss the SOV -> xfactor -> insta-death blow ups. I do still heavily prefer Doctor Strange in this game, though.
I use Dante/Strange as one of my teams atm and Dante can definitely convert a full combo into crazy dance/million dollars whatever back into strange to set up. Teleporters that convert off of raw SoV seems really strong, definitely a good way to go about picking a partner for Strange. You can also use Strider and just Vajra off of SoV into a combo really easily.
Dante you just teleport a little late then do helmbreaker to knock them down, they will bounce really high cause they’re dropping from the top of the screen, wait for them to get low, then just stand jab into launch or whatever, you can do pretty much anything from that point. You can also mess with double jumping after teleporting to get higher and you can also hit with a jump jab instead of helm breaker. I think helm breaker works in almost every situation tho. You will only run into problems when they are completely off the screen because if you go off the screen, you can’t input normals. If you are at the very top of the screen but still visible, you can helm breaker and the blade will go off screen and still hit the guy.
The threat of SoV into full combo into mixup should be pretty oppressive to the other guy’s options.
Spam Bolts-tag whenever you can, they are even more oppresive in Infinite than they were before. EoA is standard for defense and crossup-teleports, and, as for normals, I’d say his f+LP and his LK have great hitboxes, and of course his palm are of much use.
Just deviating a bit, I’m messing around with the reality storm, and trying to combo during it with the elements. I feel that I just scratched the surface, but I ran out of ideas. If anyone would be able to share some stuff, or even get what I did and go further, here is what’s like as of right now.
Just for the records, continuing the stone combos, here’s something very basic (so it is viable with half of a space storm) that deals 8K without any regular meters.
Hey all. Twitter is pretty much where all the MvCi tech is being shared. Pretty much all the circulating Strange tech on there was made by me, so I want to share it here to help with development. On to the vids!
I have been really trying to get into Dr. Strange this time around as I always kinda wanted to main him in MvC3. Can you guys explain how I get the Eye of Ashanti to track? I am not sure why in these videos its almost like you guys are controlling it but I can’t do anything but make it sit there.
While either eye of agamotto or tear of agamotto are out, hit it with impact palm (f+HP) and it will track your opponent’s movements automatically. You can cancel the impact palm after you’ve hit it into any other special to begin your setup.
Example sequence: set Eye, Palm eye, cancel palm into HK Daggers or 2 Graces
This way, you have the eye flying at them for coverage while you can freely set up
Hey All - I am having this issue too. I don’t believe it is a timing thing, and have to hypothesize that it has to do with how far away the opponent is when you knock them down with impact palm (and then begin grace setup.) Depending on the distance I believe it affects the way the 3HP GoH beam hits and bounces the opponent (sometimes towards you, sometimes away.) Anyone else experiencing this or have feedback to make it more consistent?
I see a few GoH BnBs here using 1HP and 1LP GoH’s, will try tonight and see if they are more consistent.
I was trying to avoid this thread but the tier thread completely jumped over my question. Does fof after it hits 3 yellow graces cause a free falling unrecoverable state?
Hey can any one tell who is good to pair with strange? I was thinking dorm but idk if that’s good it seems to be like playing to sup and no point character