"Sometimes i wonder..is it worth fighting at all?" MvC3 Spencer Q&A's Thread

I Have been having problems with adapting and changing it up with spencer. I plan on going to evo this year and i really want to do my best. I currently play someone offline who uses chris and it really hard for me to get in because he is very zone heavy. The only way i know how to get in with spencer is assist grapple. I have been getting blown up everytime i try that and i feel like thats what u have to do with spencer. So i was wondering what are some other ways on getting in with spencer without assists and adapting with spencer?

Most of the time, you don’t need to use the zig zag ender. If you finish with an uvg that sends them into the corner (which should pretty much always be the case if you’re playing Spencer right), you can just dash back and tk m.grapple, Sxxzip f, zip df, uvg. In most cases you can even land a launcher and still connect the uvg which makes it much easier to call certain assists for an extra uvg.

Not only does this do more damage than zig zag, it’s also far easier and 100% consistent on everyone in the cast.

Only time I would maybe use zigzag instead is if you’re snatching someone in the air and you’re afraid that hsd will catch up to you or if you want to combo 2 maneuvers in 1 combo or after a dhc into maneuvers.

Experiment and you’ll notice that it’s completely unnecessary most of the time.

What are you guys using for incoming mix ups against characters who can fly? the assists that i have available usually are Zero(DP) and task. I really really hate fighting doom and looking to keep that tin can under fire as soon as he is coming in.

Also when he’s up there do his photon spray BS(at the top of the screen) what are some suggestions? should i be looking to super jump and grapple the screen edge then qcf m? really annoying to fight without getting footdoven.

Does anyone have a picture/can explain how far forward Spencer moves during his Bionic Maneuvers super? It would be helpful for judging distances for what follow up to use (TK M or TK H). Thanks!