Basically your getting mind crushed…Ur guessing wrong in all the situations and ur getting demoralized cause every turn u take is getting u owned…now theres no simple answer that makes u win…but the main thing u gotta realize is that this is how Street Fighter works…Its all complete mind games where u gotta out think ur opponent…
So if u have ur opponent shooting fireballs, u have a choice of
A) Jumping over
B) Blocking
C) Focus dashing (gain ultra bar but lose some life that regains if ur not hit)
D) Shoot a fireball back (if you have that option)
E) Do a Move, EX Move, Super, Ultra, etc that goes over, through the fireball
Now after ur opponent shoots that fireball he has the option to
A) Shoot another Fireball (remember only 1 fireball on the screen at a time)
B) See if you jump to SRK
C) Do an Ex move
D) Dashing around to space/zone with different moves
Now this is a simple set of things that could happen, theres a lot of other variables that could occur but basically what this means is
If he predicts ur going to stand there, he’ll shoot fireball, if u guess hes going to shoot a fireball, u jump over his fireball and and kick him in the face…in this case with cammy u can jus do like,, fk cannon drill xx super…
If he thinks ur going to jump he’ll wait to see if u jump and do an SRK (In some cases people jus do an SRK if they cant do it on reaction), in this case if u guess hes going to do that u can walk up throw, tick throw, shoot a fireball, cannon drill from the right distance to put him at a frame disadvantage
Basic rock paper scissors: Jump beat fireball, SRK beats Jump, Mind games beat both