Someone bring TVC to Preppy's tonight!

that is all.

I’ll try to bring my setup, but I’m having trouble finding a ride. I’m getting my hands on one of my friend’s cars but I probably won’t be able to get there until 9:45-10:00 at earliest

That was a pretty cool game. I’m glad it showed up. Hopefully my copy arrives this week. :smiley:

It definately was an entertaining game to play and fuck around with. Chun-li and that one bird chick with the yo-yos or yattaman woo!

Yeah, TvC is nice. Good shit to whoever it was that hooked that up tonight.

Thanks a lot Dennis for bringing TvC to Zach’s! The game is fun, it would be hard for me to seriously get into it as I don’t have a wii of my own though.

Thanks to Dennis for hooking everybody up. TVC made the night. That game is too much fun. I feel like I got to play a brand new Marvel.