I wish Joe’s assist was useful to Chun. I’m trying to determine the best use for it, so if you have any suggestions let me know/PM me. It seems really limited but I’ve just been experimenting with various pokes to push it around screen effectively. Hyakuretsukyaku gives it a nice push/bounce but it’s far too slow I would assume for high level play.
By the way, here’s some basic BnBs to make your “grind” with Chun less painful if you want (Fair trade for the good Joe basics):
Meterless: :snka:, :snkb:, :d:+:snkb:, :snkc:, :df:+ :snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb:, Begin Charging :d:, :snkc:, :snkc: Spinning Bird Kick
Meter: :snka:, :snkb:, :d:+:snkb:, :snkc:,:snkc: Kikoken, :dp:+:2p:, Jump, :snkb: :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb:, Begin Charging :d:, :snkc:, :snkc: Spinning Bird Kick
Level 3: :snkc:, :df:+:snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkc:, :qcf: + :2p:
Not even joking on the lvl3, it’s that simple. Most hits you can still do and get maximum damage outside of not comboing into it.