"Some Like It Red Hot!" Viewtiful Joe UAS Basics Thread

Orly? Hahaha. I’m a Chun-Li main. I think I’m settled on V Joe as my partner.

I’m glad I’m not the only one using this combination.

Chun is a great rush down character but she sucks at zoning. Joe is much better at that than Chun so they go well together in a sense that Joe covers most of Chun’s Weaknesses, while Chun can offer a launcher and some pretty decent damage without meter (~16 Billion)

That’s cool bro. I like Chun li’s assist especially, it’s useful in so many ways to helping Joe’s meta. I’m going to have to grind her out to learn her.

I wish Joe’s assist was useful to Chun. I’m trying to determine the best use for it, so if you have any suggestions let me know/PM me. It seems really limited but I’ve just been experimenting with various pokes to push it around screen effectively. Hyakuretsukyaku gives it a nice push/bounce but it’s far too slow I would assume for high level play.

By the way, here’s some basic BnBs to make your “grind” with Chun less painful if you want (Fair trade for the good Joe basics):

Meterless: :snka:, :snkb:, :d:+:snkb:, :snkc:, :df:+ :snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb:, Begin Charging :d:, :snkc:, :snkc: Spinning Bird Kick

Meter: :snka:, :snkb:, :d:+:snkb:, :snkc:,:snkc: Kikoken, :dp:+:2p:, Jump, :snkb: :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkc:, Jump, :snkb:, Begin Charging :d:, :snkc:, :snkc: Spinning Bird Kick

Level 3: :snkc:, :df:+:snkc:, Jump, :snkb: :snkc:, :qcf: + :2p:

Not even joking on the lvl3, it’s that simple. Most hits you can still do and get maximum damage outside of not comboing into it.

Ugh, the Air Joe resets are far harder than I imagined against some opponents. Apparently you have to adjust the combos not just for normal vs small sized characters, but also tall characters like Alex require a different timing. It’ll be pretty annoying to learn all the resets… Meh, I’ll probably do it once I have a steady partner so I can just learn all the combos for those two specifically.

After playing for a few hours against my first IRL opponent in UaS, I really feel like Joe is lacking rush down options as he suffers greatly against turtling (although, I’m not using his overhead nearly enough at the moment, so I may be wrong about it). If Joe could combo after landing an RHC while the opponent is on the ground, he would be top tier for sure. But right now, I honestly believe that Joe NEEDS a good assist to keep safe and leave options open. And anti-air assists are even better because of his lack of options for stopping opponents from approaching in the air (B voomerang is often too slow).

So far here are the assists that I’ve seen in combination with Joe, and how I think they fare:

  • Tekkaman: Great assist for Joe. If you catch them in the air with it, you can jC into airjoe for a good ~6000 damage and possible reset, which is very nice for building meter and poking. Also leads to a ton of fun combos.

  • Yatterman 2: Good anti-air, good comboability, but rather difficult to combo off of it on reaction if it lands.

  • TBlade: Horrible because of how far behind you TBlade is when he jumps in.

  • Polymar: Good for keeping on pressure. Decent comboability (you can do your cannon in a combo with it… but it only does 1600). Can combo in the air on reaction. Only problem is that it takes too long and is too stationary; Joe is extremely mobile, so he could use something that is more flexible.

  • Batsu: Horrible assist for Joe. In fact, its a horrible assist in general.

  • Jun: One of Joe’s best. This assist is great for combos, saves you, acts as an anti-air, keeps pressure on, follows you, and more. Only downside is that you can’t combo from it on reaction if it lands by itself.

  • Ippatsuman: Decent. Its okay for combos and its okay for pressure, overall its mediocre at a lot of things but not great for any specific purpose.

  • Zero: Decent comboability and good anti-air. Not mobile, and hard to combo off of on reaction.

  • Roll: Another one of Joe’s best. Allows for extremely good trap setting, it can save you from pressure, great comboability, can combo on reaction very easily, amazing for pressure, great range, etc. Downside is that its not anti-air.

Thats all I’ve been through now. So far the best assists (not partners, just assists) that I’ve found for Joe are Tekkaman, Jun, and Roll. Gonna keep experimenting over the next few days to see who/what else works well.

I was thinking the same thing its why I picked chun cause she has a great anti air assist.

In CGoH the Air Joe resets were combos. I don’t know if that’s a buff or nerf.

Thanks for the chun combos bro :pleased:

Vollnutt is a really good assist for joe, they both work really good together, you can combo the canon with his assist

I haven’t gotten around to trying Megaman with Joe, but he (along with Chun, actually) are at the top of my list of the next ones to test out.

EDIT: Btw, one of these days I’m going to work with it, but I’m nearly positive that Slow and Zoom -> Cannon -> C RHC -> Baroque BEFORE RHC lands -> aircombo actually works. Its just really hard to practice because of his Slow and Zoom taking so long.

Wait. Can you guys confirm that joe’s assist does chip damage?

so can you use it to give your partner chip baroque?

I played some cat on wifi using Megaman/Joe, that is a serious keep away team.

Joe’s assist was really good in that application, since I was afraid to pressure when I knew the bomb was right there behind me.

Was using Roll and casshern btw, and that team has problems getting in on people in general.

Was the guy who u were fighting called medic?

I guess that was you, huh? That’s a solid team, from what I saw.

The four teams I’m interested in testing;

Actually I think all these teams are especially viable for Joe at this point. The sooner you guys settle on a partner the sooner we can move and make Joe the beast he deserves to be.

Chun lii assist does not help joe that much…

Also yatterman 2/joe is a good team.

Then again yatterman 2 assist does not help joe much either

Seems joe/vollnutt is probaly the best team for him IMO

Chun-li’s assist works the same as megaman in theory. Tekkaman/ Joe is becoming increasingly interesting; like Ken tekka he’s gonna increase your points damage output and the revamped aerial combo system is in his favor making aerial tags viable and an effective way of building huge damage when joe cant seem to do it naturally.

Joe/Vollnut is a good team depending on your Joe playstyle. I’m hyper aggressive, put on major pressure, and rush-down constantly, so the team isn’t too great for me. But if you play a campy Joe then Vollnut would work well.

Joe/Chun is nice, the only downside being relatively useless bars, lackluster damage output in single combos, and the fact that Joe doesn’t have a real assist to help Chun out.

Joe/Tekkaman has some great synchrony in places. Joe builds meter, Tekkaman has ways of spamming the meter dry (charge C -> level 1 blast is too good!), and Tekkaman has the burst damage output to compliment Joe’s weaknesses. Combine that with a wonderfully awesome support with Tekkaman, and you have a solid team.

Joe/Roll is what I’m rolling with now (horrible pun totally intended). I absolutely love Roll’s assist with Joe as it can help me set up traps and control the stage while rushing down, and in addition to that it is great for combos, fast, and absolutely spammable. When the opponent trips, I run up and do a launcher if I’m close enough, so I get a free combo. On top of that, Roll can also be played as a pressure-based rush down character, so she’s awesome for my playstyle. Downsides to the team are overall low HP, bad matchups are to work around (range > the small characters), burst damage is on the low side, and there isn’t anything actually worth 1 bar now that Roll can combo into her launcher (20k BnB with no bars > using 1 bar for her sweep special).

After going through the entire cast, looking to see what is possible after an RHC by using an assist, I’ve found that Souki’s assist is very situationally able to set up a tiny combo after you hit with RHC (you have to hit the assist right before you start, which brings a whole slew of problems). But a more interesting combo is Joe/Casshan. RHC -> Casshan assist does 6000 damage, which is really nice for such a fast poke. As a character, Cass can do some absurd burst damage, which is pretty nice. But the most fun part about Cass is that his dog moves Joe’s bomb. Comboing denkou punch B -> BBQ -> B dog can drag Joe’s bomb to them and Cass can combo after it. Its an interesting combo that I want to look into more (it would help if I didn’t suck major balls with Cass).

Also, I kinda want to get better with Zero. Not because he works well with Joe (yes he can combo into the bomb, but it does shit for damage) but because he’s a hardcore rushdown type that I enjoy :slight_smile:


Okay, so this is awesome. I figured out the timing to baroque in the middle of an airjoe and combo into another airjoe. So I do my airjoe reset -> launcher -> air combo -> airjoe -> baroque -> airjoe… and then anti-infinite mechanics kick in, knocking them out of the third airjoe.

I find that hilarious. But also quite sad, because it was an assist-less BnB that can be done anywhere on the screen, and would’ve done like ~24k-ish ;_;

EDIT: Okay wtf. Airjoes with different buttons do different damage. Can anybody else confirm this? And can anyone confirm any differences between the buttons besides damage? I can’t figure it out…

Wait wut? am I missing something here?

Good post by the way.

There is different damage between which button you mash.

Joe’s assist bombs does not do chip on his partner.

I can’t seem to get Tekkaman’s assist to link up with any of Joe’s ground combos. Cookie to anyone who can figure it out before I do.

I also find tekkaman a bit challenging to learn.

EDIT: As it turns out tekkaman joe seems like a good team in theory but in practice not so much. None of the combos I thought will work do.

You have to do the Tekkaman assist before you finish the ground combo, but 2C links into the assist quite easily. I’ve been doing that since CGoH ^_^’’. Tekkaman/Joe works really well in some areas, but it entirely depends on your playstyle. I’ve actually been getting back into Joe/Tek, along with Joe/Roll. Tekkaman seems like a ton of fun in UaS, and I figured out some new(?) shit with him, so I’ma practice that team combo some more.

As for the different airjoes, yeah I’ve found that they do different damage, but I’ve also found that the default length (that is, not mashing after you start the airjoe and letting it just stop on its own) is longer depending on the button you use. I don’t know if there is any significance to this, though.