alright cool thanks.
So does anybody know a decent partner for joe? I know vollnutt and joe makes a good team but his playstyle is so different =/
Then the issue isn’t synergy it’s your skill with both characters. V Joe and Vollnut is not a bad team by no means.
Joe’s gun super is definately not unblockable. I think that should be chained in the OP so as not to make confusion.
This x 1000. I’m great with Joe but not so hot with any other character. It just seems to me that nobody will ever truly work “well” with Joe, so just being good with another character is far more important than synchrony combo-wise.
Consider it done.
Am I the only one or does the Voomerangs charge a little bit faster than they did in CGoH? It;s already noted that they home better. I’m starting to feel the the Voomerangs are an essential piece to V Joe’s metagame. Also can you still tiger knee them? I’m having no luck but it can maybe just be my skill in doing so.
I found some gimmicky crap with VJoe I think. If you’re fighting someone really passive and are midscreen, you can super jump, red hot kick with C, and then charge a C Voomerang as you fall. Since you’re facing the other way, it may catch them by surprise when it flips around and pesters them for a bit, allowing you to set your offense up again. Hopefully better players than me can find some sort of application for it.
I noticed that characters such as Soki and Karas may be able to combo into Joe’s bombs. These characters have attacks that fling the opponent behind them, so you could use a bomb at the start of the combo, then use Soki 6C issen to throw them back into the exploding bomb. Karas could do this with his low ender to his Kasha.
I think I’m settled on using Chun-li as V Joes partner.
I’m onto Batsu with Joe atm. Frankly, I’m just gonna keep rotating my second until I find a few that work well AND that I enjoy, then work on them from there.
Really, vollnutt is probaly your best choice, however you might not like his play style…
I like Joe/Chun. Justin’s Jun/Chun inspired me.
Honestly, there are specific combos with tons of characters that Joe can make; he’s just that awesome. In the end, I think Joe’s “best” partner starts with a list of ~half the cast, and your playstyle/personal preferences/opponent’s characters determine which of those partners is best for you.
I really want to make a Joe + Karas team, but other than Karas being able to combo into Joe’s bomb assist via a well-timed low rekka finisher (and that does need to be very well timed) I can’t see them having much synergy together.
Well Joe pretty much is a narcissistic bastard; he wants the spot light all the time and the fact that he doesn’t support well is probably an ode to that fact. Basically any team you play with Joe on it, he’ll probably take point until he dies.
I really dont want to drop joe, i just wish his assist wasnt so terrible. I think vollnutt can actually take advantage of the bomb, but the problem is that it does no chip damage at all…
I does do chip.
I also get accused for spamming air joe a lot lol…
Do what you need to do to win those games, brah. I haven’t been able to play all week but tomorrow my college most likely is playing this so I’ll come up with some more Joe strats. Seems like the player base for this character is gonna be rather small.