Some great fighters that might have flown under the radar?

I’ve been saying this all day.

I remembered random selecting in kof 2002 back in the day because everyone else was doing it!


Tamaki is hardcore.

Anyone mention Hyper Dimension yet? small roster compared to modern DBZ games but it was still very good.

I remember having fun playing Hyper Dimension as a kid, I’ve yet to have played it as an adult. I’m kinda interested in playing Super DBZ for PS2 though.

WeaponLord (SNES version) is my personal favorite overlooked fighting game. I loved that Simon Bisley artwork and the gruesome fatality combos that you could string together in custom order. The gameplay was a bit sluggish due somewhat due to hardware limitations, but there was a lot of depth there. Weapon breaks, several tiers of parrying, guard-crushes and crumples… etc. It was ahead of its time in terms of mechanics.

The lead designer, James Goddard, worked on the new Killer Instinct too.

Virtua Fighter
Vampire Savior

Extremely obscure, unknown and underrated:

The Killing Blade (1998) had a revolutionary tag mode mechanics, it even invented Save Shift waaaay before KOF XI was even planned.