Some good videos to help new players

I’ve always believed that in order to fully enjoy a good match both players need to have full knowledge of the game. If one has less knowledge, then even if he is more skilled mentally, he will probably be defeated.

I think everyone should do their best to help bew players out and give them as many tools as possible to aid their process.

Here is some of my favorite stuff…

A really good ryu combo video wth text explanations:

Some mixed combos from DJ and Ken:

Pro tips(ST but all works on HD remix)

My favorite video tutorial for this game so far is the How to do super cancels video(also shows on ST but the motions are exactly the same for HD remix)

The classic SSF2T tutorial made by sirlin(all of it also works on HD remix)

I’ll update this stuff as much as i can from now on. And please go ahead and add any video you might think would help people get into the game.

Generic Ryu zoning


Some tricks with Ryu. Works in HDR

I don’t feel like embedding these, so go here:

you can visit our website for more information, thanks for posting our vids here =)