Working on Sho’s 70-hit combo challenge, even though I have not completed challenges 23 and 24. Theres a few ways I thought I could tackle this:
- Sho’s infinite; BC jump BC loop till it gets to 70, and hopefully 7000 dmg.
2)One more Cancel, one more super
3)Finish Challenge 24; add something to the end of it.
One thing I realized though is that Sho’s super can be followed up by select attacks if it is used in a counter hit combo. However, the longer the preceding combo is, the shorter the hitstun for the opponent is at the end of the super. So far the only combo I’ve been able to piece together is:
/C, -A, A, /B, B, C-, / > B, (B, C), / < A, //Jumpcancel//, Air C, Izayoi, />/>A, wait till the end…, A, />/>A.
This is only halfway through, however and theres nothing to do on the other side of the second super.
Can anyone help me on this?