SOLD: MC Cthulhu (JasensCustoms EZ Build PCB version) + 4x Console RJ45 cables set

This is now SOLD.

Here’s a nice set for anyone looking to put together a Multi-console arcade stick using an MC Cthulhu.

This is the EZ Build version of the MC Cthulhu, built by JasenCustoms a little while ago.

Included in the set are 4 console cables I’ve crimped and varified myself. SNES, NES, Saturn, and Dreamcast.
Those who have bought my cables before know the quality and care I put into them :wink:

I’ve got 2x sets available and am selling each set for $100 each, shipped in the USA. I’m not splitting up the sets.

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Bump for the weekend. MMAO if you don’t like the price.