Sold. I love you guys. ;_;

Got a friend of mine thats unfortunately not into fighting games anymore and wants to sell this stick. im helping him out since he doesnt have an acct.

stick is in good condition only 1 month old.

70$ shipped lower 48 states.

this comes with the original box as well.


Why did this take 5 hours to get a response? $70 shipped for an SA?

PM sent cant let this go for 50$ shipped. shipping is like 15$ already.

Why is this still here this is a steal :annoy:

WHAT. $50? That’s almost insulting. Maybe I’ll ask Meus if he’ll sell his HSS-0130 for $75…

no insult, just an offer.
I’m just looking for something cheap to use at tournies. I dont even have ps3

good luck with sale, sure it will go

PMs sent stick is still avail

got damn about 12 pms resent lol seriously.

can’t fault a man for trying.

sold. pleasure gentlemen.

Holla! I was just going to PM back too. Hope the stick finds a good home and your friend ask to borrow a stick every once in a while to play still Esjihn. Awesome sale all around.


Damn another deal stolen :sad:…or was it :bgrin:

What the fuck. I stop checking Trading Outlet for ONE DAY and there’s a deal like this?

Fuckshitgoddamn :bluu:

Did you just invent that word? Because it’s awesome.