For Sale:
[]Nhtran aluminum machined case, all Sanwa/Seimitsu parts. Wired up with a Toodles Cthulhu for PC/PS3 with gold qd’s. Its in great shape with just normal wear from play. You can add your own art work under the plexi once you get it. I left buttons 7 and 8 unhooked up as I don’t used them, but you can hooked them up in a few mins with very little work. It has an expensive monster USB cable installed. This is highest quality custom case I have ever seen. Very heavy solid metal with plexi bottom and top. I wouldn’t sell this but I need some cash.** SOLD**
[]Seimitsu LS-32-01 joystick NEW! I’ll toss in a ball top no charge! sold
I’ll take that PCB off your hands.
Xbox PCB sold! Nhtran still up for grabs!
You just bought it from ibeatu too. :sad:
Do you still have the Miku art and the Buttons?
Because I was going to buy it from ibeatu.
You got to it before I could.
Yes, I still have art and buttons… I can included them at no charge. I don’t have time to reinstall them though.
Tag. Interested.
LS-32-01 joystick added for sale!
Damn, I’d really be interested in that case if it was 6 buttons instead of 8.
You can put sanwa button plugs in the last 2 holes or get 6 button plexi from arthong.
Price Drop $180 shipped…
If it doesn’t sell by the time I can afford it, just remember you have someone interested
Ok, one last try… $160 shipped USA. I can’t believe this is still hasn’t sold!
i’ll take it if it’s still available.
Nhtran stick sold.
Still have a new ls32-01 for sale. offers?
Do you still have the LS32?
sorry it sold