SoCal - SFIV Live Tags

This thread is for all the Street Fighter 4 players that are located in southern california so all of us are united and can play together on XBOX LIVE.

Please try and keep this organized and in this fashion.

Xbox Gamertag: "name"
Favorite Characters: "favorites, etc."
Skill level: (1-10, 1 being noob and 10 being pro and 5 will be “ok”) please be honest
Availability: “days and time pacific standard”

Thank you for your participation. Hopefully this will improve our xbox gaming experience for Street Fighter IV!

Xbox Gamertag: mintySwag
Favorite Characters: Ryu, Gouken, Sagat
Skill level: 7
Availability: Monday through Saturday, usually from morning until 4pm PST.

Don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but I think these two sub-boards will help you find the droids you’re looking for.

Pacific South

I think this seems easier, specially for SoCalers :smiley:

Xbox Gamertag: pelayostyle
Favorite Characters: Ken, Guile, Ryu
Skill level: 6
Availability: Monday through Friday, 6pm till about midnight : Saturday and Sunday in the AM

Xbox Gamertag: Ramos619
Favorite Characters: I can only use Guile…
Skill level: 7 or 8
Availability: my schedule keeps changing, hopefully it will find stability soon. But weekdays are the best days to catch me

Xbox Gamertag: ronin1183
Favorite Characters: Abel, and the Shotos but I don’t use them anymore.
Skill level: 5 I just went 0-20 as Abel, so I guess I’m a 1 with Abel. The guy I was playing was cycling Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Sagat, Blanka, gief, Sakura, claw and when he beat my ass with Dan, oh boy I wasn’t a happy camper. lol at least it was all player matches. As of now my overall record is 6-46 not good at all.
Availability: I’m currently on a 21 day work marathon so I guess from 9-11 am and 8:30-10 pm weekdays. On weekends 6 pm-whenever usually.

Ignore the negs. I just said the wrong things in the wrong forums. It’s the neggers’ loss because I’m a great friend.

Gamertag: Norris Arcade
Characters: Fuerte, Dan, Guile & Fei Long
Skill level: 3.5
Sched: M-F 9pm-9:30pm Sat & Sun all over the place.


Gamertag: Peezee16
Characters: Ryu
Skill level: 3-5 using the Xbox360 controller(im the suxor) Cant wait for my Happ parts to come in tomorrow.
Sched: M-F 6-8PM weekends-variable =)

Xbox Gamertag: lazychi7
Most Used Character: Gen, Random
Best Character: Abel, Gouken
Skill level: 7-8
Availability: All Days often from 4pm to 3am. I often go on and off.

Xbox Gamertag: nightwingzer0
Favorite Characters: Blanka Chun Li Dan Abel
Skill level: 5
Availability: M-F 2PM-2AM Sat-Sun All Hours.

Xbox Gamertag: DonoisMcLovin
Favorite Characters: Cammy, Ryu, Fuerte
Skill level: like 5.5
Availability: depends but mostly friday and saturday 7PM-somewhere in the night haha
hope to see you on

Xbox Gamertag: Zesan
Favorite Characters: Seth, Sakura, Dictator, Gouken, Dan, Boxer(among others)
Skill level: (1-10, 1 being noob and 10 being pro and 5 will be “ok”) 6.5?
Availability: Flexible. Not my Xbox but I can be on from the night AND day, no guarantees.

Xbox Gamertag: AnimaXxMundi
Favorite Characters: Seth, Abel, Sakura
Skill level: 4
Availability: Mon-Fri 3 PM - 5 PM (roughly), Sat-Sun: Flexible
Note: I’m on the SRK SFIV FoF list :slight_smile:

Xbox Gamertag: itsthebloop
Favorite Characters: Abel and i play everyone else randomly.
Skill level: 6
Availability: Randomly just add me to FR and msg me when im on so we can get games in. Mostly on around night time.

tag: truewalrus
Favs: Cammy, Vega, pretty much screw around with everyone.
Skill level: Idk… 5?
Availability: Afternoons and nights.

Tag - Inequality07
Favorites - Blanka, only character I am good with
Skill level - 7
Availability - Weekdays all night, weekends random.

Tag: Coconut Bomber
Favorites: Fei Long, Ryu
Skill Level: 5 I hope
Availability: Weekdays 4pm to midnight… Weekends are random.