So who is better: Ryu or Ken

fatboy - Do you know what the outcome was? I have the movies but they’re backed up on a CD somewhere.
I think that score I posted above was wrong… from an earlier series they had, actually.

Oh, btw, Aniken played a series in 2005 vs. ShootingD (SBO teammate!) that he lost 4-16.

Don’t remember… BUT I’ll check when I get home tonight and update you!

Thanks, man.

In the meantime…
Before responding to Footsy’s post I was googling a bit…
In 2006 (around the same time that those videos were made) Daigo and Aniken played a one hundred and twenty game series – 4 sets of 30 games.

Aniken (Ken) vs. Daigo (Ryu)
May '06
set 1: 15-15
set 2: 17-13
set 3: 10-20
set 4: 7-23
total: Aniken 49 - Daigo 71

You can see how the Beast has more stamina for this type of thing. In set 2 Aniken used god mixup, bold jump-ins, topspin-reppa for the win but then he ran out of steam.

Daigo v. Ani-Ken break down.

Daigo 12/ Ani-Ken 8

Misc notes:

Daigo won first 5
Daigo used 19 supers
Anti Ken used 8 supers

Ryu’s super definately played a factor in his win. Anti Ken only connected on three, the rest where ticks for the win. Daigo only used a handful for ticks.

what i meant by this quote, is that ken’s main characteristics are kicks, i mean, his famous special other than the shoryu-reppa super is the Shippu Jinrai Kyaku. on the other hand, ryu’s most famous super is the hadouken, basically a hand attack. i was putting ryu and ken in a sense of upper and lower characteristics. ken uses his lower body more, and ryu uses his upper body strength. that’s what i meant by this.

any pointers vs claw w\ ryu? his jump combined with all his pokes just beat ryu everywhere. Can’t throw fireballs, my footsie is limited and his damn walk\jump speed is too damn fast.

also, i’m having a crazy hard time doing low fwd super. I know the input for it but it feels awkward. Is there a trick to learn it or should I just keep slowly doing it and build my speed till I eventually get it? been trying it for a few days and haven’t done it once yet. One more thing about low fwd, super, is it even possible to hit confirm off of that?

ok so what does this have to do with how the game plays

You sure you are doing it right? You cannot, I repeat, CANNOT do it like the newer games. Starting from Alpha, the timing of it became a lot looser. But if you are using Third Strike por Alpha or CvS2 techniques for doing the Low Forward into Super, it will not work.

So to answer the 2nd question, no, you can’t hit confirm off of Low Forward. Not even close. :slight_smile:

yea I think i’m doing it right. dwn, dfwd, fwd, d+mk, dfwd, fwd+p?

what about using lowfwd @ extended range to hit limbs and buffer the super everytime? so if I missed the low fwd, the super doesn’t come out and if I counter footsie a limb, super connects.

Doesn’t really work too well, mainly because the empty fireball motion makes you bob up and down every time you try, which delays the kick and makes it reaaaaally obvious what you’re trying to do.

Anyone know the reasoning behind the J.low punch+hurricane kick for Ken? I see Aniken does it alot but can’t figure out what the deal is with it.

Or is it just a flashy move?

You can use it as a combo starter, meaty attack, and mix-up tool. If you connect j.Fierce, Tatsumaki.RH, cr.RH/foward you can use it as a pushback since it combos. There are several variations, combinations, and additions to the above combo; including super combos. Of course it’s also flashy. :smile:

Post again if you want some specific scenarios.


Looks right, that code. Just know you have to do it fast. You can’t do it slow like you can in the newer games. So do the Super fireball motion quickly. If you try and do it carefully, it will not Buffer (the Super Code just doesn’t register).


I think you mean Jumping Jab canceled into Air Hurricane Kick, right? It’s an EXCELLENT setup for death, pretty much. Hahahaha… After the opponent blocks it, it’s VERY hard to Reversal Throw or Reversal attack Ken walking up to grab you. He’s in the driver seat at that point because he gets INCREDIBLE frame advantage upon landing. It’s a good sequence because it’s almost perfectly times after an immediate Jump after a Kick Throw, and it causes tick damage, sets up mind games, and if you land it, it’s always at perfect height for what you want.

Definitely a good trick to know.

the comment, is that ryu plays a lot smoother than ken due to the characteristics that i mentioned earlier. the discussion i was referring to was which one out of ken and ryu are better. if you cant get that then i cant help ya. get off my case plz, man.