The tc’s question is somewhat ambiguous.
If you’re “playing to win” then of course N.Ryu is your best choice for the obvious reasons. I played N.Ryu for 2 years and he is probably the most balanced character.
I interpreted the tc’s question to mean, who is better for me (the tc). I said N.Ken b/c after playing N.Ryu for so long I decided to try other characters, and found him to be much more effective. N.Ken is very difficult to master. He has many weaknesses that can be overcome if you have the patience and skills necessary to master him. I’ve been using him for the last 16 mos. and my “game” has dramatically increased. N.Ken is a better choice for me b/c I like his style, the skill involved to win the matches, and the requirement for fast reflexes. I’m not sure what exactly the tc meant by his question; but, I wanted to be sure to give him a good representation of what N.Ken is all about.
Not trying to flame here at all.