SO whats Washington scene like?

I live in Wenatchee and we don’t have much of scene here (mainly me and my group of friends and that’s like 6-8 people). so wanted to see whats out there so i can get some more experience and just have some fun. I don’t mind driving a lil bit cus I’m betting most of it will be in the Seattle area. I play a lil bit of everything but want to find a KoF XIII scene if we have one, I’m the best right now that I’ve seen in town and am not that good so would really like the chance to play some higher caliber players as I think that is the best way to improve.

So any weekly tournaments or what not in WA or even northern Oregon (might not make it there so much but every once in awhile) if you can let me know that would be sweet. I did see the one in Lynnwood and will try and make it next week at least for some casuals if nothing else :).

Lynnwood area is the best KOF in the state. About 5 of the regulars at the tourney you’re thinking of going to recently placed top 8 at NWM4, so if KOF is your game Lynnwood is where you want to play. Every Thursday.

If you play Marvel, hit up Gamebreakerz in Auburn every Tuesday. 5 of the regulars there also placed top 8 at NWM4 in Marvel. SF is all around pretty much and Skullgirls is also up north.

Yeah, feel free to stop on by to introduce yourself and get some games in. If you don’t come in with an attitude and are willing to take advice, you’ll find that they are very friendly people. Always willing to talk specifics and just share knowledge. The beginning of this month is a bit busy for people as they finish up school / work, but we still got 8 people coming in last week, all who are pretty serious about the game. If online is an option, NissanZaxima is on XBL and the connection shouldn’t be too bad even with it being KOF netcode. Our replays are available at

I’d recommend Gamebreakerz on Tuesdays for UMvC3 and AE 2012. Attendance is quite good there and so is the competition! You can find their replays at and they stream every week at

If you can make it, MikeHasCookies is holding another Salty Runback the week before Evo on Saturday, June 30th. It’s always our largest event with most of the PNW traveling to it including Canada, Olympia, and Oregon.

Finally, if you’re looking at any other games, I wrote up a list of all the venues and games played here: Info about the Seattle scene

Cool thanks for all the info and the quick reply’s. I don’t really ever have a bad attitude when it comes to fighters anymore let it get to me once and stopped playing for a few years and let my skills waste away. Now I try to treat all players with respect and look at match’s like win or loose it was fun and either way it helps me grow as a player and brings me one step closer to being the player I hope to be. I’m only an ok player atm but look forward to getting to meet some new people and and have some good matches.Defiantly going to try and be there Thursday to check it out if nothing else.

only recently switched to stick to and haven’t got the inputs down as well as I’d like especially with KoF cus its not as forgiving with them as UMVC3 lol. Mainly just the double QCF/B and sometimes the QCF, HCB but just need to play some more and it will come I’m sure just haven’t had the time to put in the practice I need to lately lol

ask to join and ill add…all the kof nw info you’re looking for =]

…to a lesser extent, there’s also this group:

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cool sent a request a few mins ago and joined NWSF last night lol should have asked these questions awhile ago been missing out on all the possible good times for no reason :slight_smile: