So... whatever happened to Tekken VS Street Fighter?

…That’s not even close to what I said.


how do you earn respect then?

by making dumb posts on the internet??

I don’t recall asking.

Haven’t really been a fan of Tekken since 3, but I’m interested to see how Namco fits the SF characters into the Tekken universe.

But they play REALLY different. Necro hardly even uses his Dhalsim-like pokes (and his electricity works pretty differently than Blankas). Q moves super slowly and has a weak okizeme game. It’s just a shallow assessment to say they are analogies of older characters when they share so little beyond a couple similar moves. Sagat and Ryu have more in common than Q does with Balrog or Necro does with Dhalsim. Would you prefer there just never be another character with charge dash punches again unless its Balrog?

I’m surprised you’d even use those characters as examples. Hugo I’d concede shares a bit with Gief. They are at least the same archetype. Remy is certainly a Guile clone, but he’s still way more distinct than Charlie (sonic boom machinegun anyone?)

ha! does being FGD’s resident 3s curmudgeon earn me respect? sweet :bz

No, but I’d prefer more varied characters than what the end result was. We can agree to disagree but I never saw Q or Remy as anything but wasted potential. Okay I see remy as far more negative things but that’s for another day.