So... whatever happened to Tekken VS Street Fighter?

I’m all for TxSF on Next Gen. Heck, i’m hyped for any fighting game on Next Gen!

ugh i was hoping this turd died a silent death

But how do you know that is a turd when nothing about the game is known yet o_O

I hope they don’t go through with this. Street fighter and Tekken need some time to think. They need that Bruce Wayne, pre-Batman time, cuz they’ve been failing pretty hard, lately (even though i thought TTT2 was phenomenal, but it didn’t sell like it).

I’m still looking forward to it. If they were able to give Tekken characters fireballs and such in SF X Tekken, I see no problem with a more technical Ryu and Ken.

I’m guessing it’ll be neglected Third Strike Characters x Tekken.

I hope they keep some of the less ridiculous, gimmick SF characters out of this game and stick to the (mostly) realistic fighting styles. No Dhalsim or Blanka. It’ll be nice to see SF in a somewhat, gritty serious tone for once

this already sounds like a good game

Alongside pandas, boxing dinosaurs, and robots with exploding heads? :slight_smile:

They should have done this with SFxT. Oh look, it’s the SF2 cast. Again. Yay.

I still don’t understand the infatuation with the SF3 cast. With the exception of Urien and Alex, every good character from the SF3 series has already returned in the followup SF games. Everyone else is just French Guile with high low tiger shots, dhalsim with electricity, Balrog with bad normals and a comand grab, etc.

For one, it’s BECAUSE we haven’t gotten Urien and Alex in a followup outside of Urien providing some shit for Seth and Alex in TvC.

And Q is an enigma. That’s enough for people to enjoy.

lol play the game first before you spout this reductionist bullshit

Hopefully they include a lot of characters that will fit into Tekken’s engine. I’m still salty about Feng not getting into SFxT despite how awesome his stances and overall moveset would have been in a 2D game.

yeah, i find feng not in sfxt to just be outlandish, and severly lacking in creative vision on the producers end. i know alisa has fans, but ive loathed her existence since tk6. horrible fighting stance, and horrible everything. shes atrocious. feng is a kung fu master, nuff said.

maybe one day fighting game producers will actually have some type of imagination, and get at least a basic level of creative spark, and stop giving us garbage ass character designs, and character choices overall for crossover games, new titles, or new extensions.

iron fist in umvc3, AWESOME… give him not even at least a command grab, but wesker has horizontal and diagonal ground shots, diagonal air shots, great normals, and well look at that, to make up for his lack of movement (not a box dasher or 8 way dasher), he gets a nice command grab.

tekken and kof are two of maybe only a couple more franchises that have great character design. kof might have been on dem shitty old sprites for a hot minute, but they had awesome characters with good movesets, that only improved over time.

basic ass fgc niggas still think ryu, sim, ken, akuma, etc… are dope. lol


I wouldn’t say it if I hadn’t played the game extensively. So instead of assuming shit you pulled out of your ass, why not just try to make an argument for why I’m wrong?

whether you’ve “played it extensively” or not, you still show a complete novices perspective of those characters. a couple aesthetically similar moves does not make those characters copies. Remy I’ll give you but Q is played nothing like Balrog, and Necro is played nothing like Dhalsim. ffs, Balrog is the quintessential rushdown character, while Q is the biggest turtle character in 3s.

Did you really say that to pherai? You kids need to learn some respect.

Even if they don’t play 100% the same, you can’t deny how their move lists where basically just updated ones from previous SF characters, and if all they were going to do was update move lists, then why the hell even bother making new characters instead of just updating the move lists of the existing ones? You had characters like Elena and Dudley that were fresh and exciting, but then you had Q and Remy and just wondered why they didn’t either make better move lists for them, or just use the existing characters they were based off of. I mean, Ryu and Ken don’t play the exact same but that doesn’t mean that excuses having as many shotos as SF does (and before you get your panties in a bunch I’m not comparing those SF3 characters to being shotos).

Respect is earned, not given.

You’re argument makes no since if you. By your definition in KoF Clark and Benimaru are clones, or in older marvel games Storm and Wolverine are clones. And Allen Synder and Kairi from Street Fighter EX aren’t shotos.