Anyone have any issues with hitbox detection? I’m finding, for example as a Vega player, that a crRH from any shoto will hit my crMP. I don’t understand that, because in training mode when you toggle the hitboxes on, you can see the claw’s red box is clearly higher than the top of the foot’s red box. Also, both characters are a good distance across the screen, not all the way, but far enough that the roundhouse isn’t close enough to Vega’s blue hitboxes during the animations. I measured the hitbox height using Ryu’s background and counting house shingles. Its actually quite a big difference, so I get furious when this type of shit happens.
There is also the game breaking match loading glitch. Its extremely random, it seems to happen most often after a disc, but tonight it happened even after a fresh reboot, twice in a row. It also spreads like a plaque from player to player in 4+ friendly rooms. One person gets it, drops out, you get your turn, then you drop out, or your opponent, and then the room dies. Then you have to reboot, reboot, reboot! Sometimes the loading match screen takes so long that if you quit the game, it locks up your PS3 and then it takes a dump all over itself and reboots, sometimes killing your display settings in the process.
Custom matches in scoreboard still doesn’t find shit. I’ve never ever seen a match under custom, and someone has mentioned it here. If you can find scrubs to play during quickplay, then that means there are people playing and it should populate custom.
Quick matches often take 4 or 5 tries to even find someone. You can’t tell me the game can’t find a player. The no player found shit sucks, there are a bunch of people on SB, even if a lot are scrubs. It also takes waaaaay too long to search, and you can’t check messages or send anything while it does because brokebackbone decided to use the XMB “searching” notice AS WELL AS the in game one. Seriously, 1 is enough, and I’d like to send messages at the very least because netcode is so shitty it takes 5 minutes to find a shitty match.
Dropped inputs thing is still pretty bad. More often than I’d like, hitting a button will do nothing, sometimes it happens while jumping, the game recognizes up but not up+forward, and you end up getting DP’d on the way down instead of jumping over your opponent. It also breaks blocks, as well, which is annoying because you’re holding buttons down.
Sorry to bring up and old thread, but I needed to vent. I’m really frustrated with this version of the game, its quite clear they didn’t give a shit about it, and took our money for a crappy product.
Oooh, I forgot to mention. How about that AWESOME 3D Akuma fireball charging graphic in the menus? Man that thing is so high poly count and MASSIVE MEGATEXTURED that it brings the PS3 to it’s knees for GPU processing! All that slowdown during menu transitions, dude, and you thought no PC could handle Crysis! Well, lets see Akuma’s fireball show Crysis who is boss at bringing 3D hardware to it’s knees like a whore sucking crack from a cock shaped pipe.