So... We're Playing Again

I’m pretty interested to just go play CvS2 against more people. Whether theres a side tourney or not is a bonus.

i think i can bring a setup, tv and console. lets make this the biggest side event at evo!

oh and HAV great work in the Poll thread, you really helped rep our community through that shit storm


I wasn’t really commentating on the quality of Marvel or Melty, for what they are they’re supposed to be good games. Its just that they don’t interest me competitively in the least, and I don’t care to watch tournament play. There’s nothing wrong with liking other games.

I hear you on being lukewarm on evo. It’s fun to play people from around the country, but it’s hard to think the cvs2 tournament at evo won’t be some sideshow, especially since we’ll have to plan so much around what the main tournaments are doing. What we should do is set aside the money we’d be spending on evo and use it to throw local cvs2 tournaments :smokin: That would really do more for the game than any sideshow tournament.

BTW HAV, you should check out the apoc thread in my sig if you haven’t already. Its a long read, but it hits on all the points you’ve been making in the poll thread re:swapping players and shitting on the capcom base.

Buk- I want to start playing this game. I never really got a chance to truly learn the game cause when I joined the community the game was pretty much dead in IL. This game was always one of my favorite games and it would be nice to finally be able to sit down and learn the game. I’m thinking about learning a c groove based team, perhaps Bison, Chun, r2 sagat. Anyway, lets play this game when I head up to the HOG next time.:woot:

I wonder how capcom decided on bringing mvc2 to x360. And would it be effective to petition them for a port of cvs2. I’d definitely want the sprite filters, some of the alpha sprites look like blobs on an hd screen.

Playing either 3 vs. 3 or singles is great for me. I play this game all the time because it plays so much like ST it’s silly. The SNK characters are fun to use, and getting Rolento back in this game and all the stuff, it just feels like how a fighting game should play. CVS3 with more character sprites would make me so happy.

guys this could be our big break for cvs2 on psn/xbla…!

this just has to be the cvs2 announcement…just HAS to be. what else could it be? i don’t care at all about the sale but that little piece of information is something to ponder about until then.

Loso… you’re reaching. That could be anything.

Shit, with recent developments, I’d bet on a 3S release, if anything.

it’s a possibility since ssf4 comes out in april and with the abundance of sf3 characters…dammit. :rofl:

it could be some mega man bs also…don’t get too excited

Huge Announcement ; Vampire Savior, 3S, and every fighter not named CvS2 is getting a re-release. =P

new morrigan sprite for MvC2 on wii:amazed:

Hey guys, Ichigeki 2010 will be held during Stunfest (22-23 may). The tournament place will be Rennes, France (300 km from paris) as usual :slight_smile:
So we expect to see many cvs2 players at this event! More details asap!

I’m one of the new guys trying to pick this game up… I post videos often so stop by and drop me some advice if you want:

I wish I lived in France for so many reasons.
This certainly isn’t the reason, we got plenty of cvs2 love in MD/VA, but it is a plus.

they seriously need to put cvs2 for psn and xbox live. theres so much stuff i wanna try but i cant because my ps2 copy of cvs2 lags on my hdtv.

I’m itching to play CvS2 again as well…

After the CVS3 leak (Or April fools joke,) I’ve been playing CVS2 for hours with my brother.
Man I love emulators :slight_smile:

Dude i wished that shit is real…i really would like a revival.