So... We're Playing Again

Yeah, there are unblockable CC’s.

For those that don’t know, those are based on the fact that CC activation freezes inputs, so if you weren’t blocking low before the flash, you can get hit by low Shorts.

people really need to start punishing chuns that fish for rc legs

No they don’t.

keeps fishing

wwwwwell i didn’t mean point blank activation cc or any variation of otg/command grab ccs, i meant somthing like activate s.rh,c.short. If going from high to low wasn’t instant and you blocked high initially you’d get hit with the cc after canceling to c.short.

so mash a 2 frame move when they keep doing sbk in the corner? That or activate/super

I started playing this game again, anyone from norcal want to meet up and play at one of the arcades?
Man, I hope this makes it to EVO.


super salty

Look at it this way. We save money at evo and we can start the tournament at a reasonable time. I don’t know about you, but if I’m partyin all night (which I will) then I want to wake up around noon and take my time to get to the game room.

Super Duper Salty.

Hella Salty.

All i gotta say is, Melty (and somehow Marvel wtf??) better do good this EVO. If it blows then i am going to be even more salty.

Is there going to be a CvS2 side tournament? Rather than complain about how MB got the spot, we should concentrate instead on making sure CvS2 has a strong showing if a side tournament is allowed.

Very agreed. If it turns out that only a small majority enter melty, then it would’ve been a mistake.
The thing I’m angry about is that people that don’t even play the damn game voted for it. Simply on the notion of "Oh it sounds like a cool game."
I really hope I get to see someone that voted like that so I can smack them in the head for that.


are you fuckin kidding me? a loli hentai doujin fighter over cvs2?!? i bet mizuki is happy.

and yes i’m slightly salty.

its not loli
not hentai
not doujin (anymore)

the only thing you got right is that it’s a fighter, sorry

For the record I wanted cvs2 to win 2nd place so I could have more than one game to play at evo. Too bad ST can’t override HDR :<

Marvel sucks…Thank god i can get beasted on by every random character in CVS2. Marvel only has damn near 3 characters which can win. CVS2 allows for a large amount of characters to be somewhat balanced depending on how well you know the match ups and your characters play style. It will be a travesty if this game isnt ported into next gen or somehow carried on into the future…

Lowry’s seasoning salt over here.

True, hopefully it’ll be easier to run a side tournament this year. Last year, we lost a quarter of the entrants in our bootleg tournament because people were still involved in SF4 semi-finals, including almost all the cvs2 big names. If these people are involved in SSF4 again this year, which they will, it’s going to be hard again to run an organized tournament that runs in a timely manner. The situation is made worse when BYOC closes at 9 pm like it did last year.

Fuck those games. I’m not going to watch any of the evo finals unless there are great japanese players there. Anybody up for cvs2 casuals on Sunday?

There will be a side tournament as long as we’re not lazy asses and make it happen. Ever since evo dropped cvs2, its like cvs2 players don’t realize that it’s on them to keep the game alive. What’s sad is that so many have opted to go on and play games they don’t like as much instead of playing and building hype for the game they (supposedly) have so much love for. It looks like this is finally starting to turn around thanks to the efforts of guys like HAV and Legendary Gokou.

I love Marvel. Always happy to see Marvel shine. If you were around back in the early days, Marvel and CvS2 are like brothers. I can never hate Marvel. I CAN hate on how it was chosen, but at the end of the day, I’m always loving Marvel.

Great game, IMO.

As for CvS2 @ Evo, I’m kinda lukewarm on Evo now, but if people want to play, I’ll go, and I’ll even run the CvS2 side tournament. It’s whatever.