Don’t think Gunter mentioned comboing his command grab into each other unless I read it wrong. But to answer your question, I believe it’s only possible on Dan and Rolento. Edit: to be more specific, you can OTG command grabs while activated on Dan and Rolento - so for example in the corner you can do ohicio throw over and over as a combo.
As far as the topic goes, CvS2 is definitely one of my favorites, if we could only get a 360/PSN re-release we’d be in business.
yo all us renegade CvS2 players gotta group up and vote for the evo2k10 player’s choice tournament… nothing beats the hype of a good CvS2 match and seeing it battled out on the big screen would be killer… so let’s all put in our vote and show the new kids how it was done back in the primetime days… in the meantime let’s just hope for a XBL/PSN re-release or a cracked ROM… cuz i dunno about you guys buy my ps2 copy of the game is toast and my xbox copy isn’t BC let alone in good enough shape to play often…
Yes. His new business team is Hibiki, Bison, Blanka, but in casuals he plays Hibiki, Blanka, Vega for the thrill. He thinks he’s done as much as he can with Vega and thinks that of the top characters in A, Hibiki is the only one that hasn’t been used to her full potential yet (although I think that Kisshii’s Hibiki is pretty complete!).