So... We're Playing Again

God I hate how CvS2 has died out.

I play SF4 now only because of the competition, and I got a lot more competitive in SF4. Now I hate it because I’m used to SF4 and I’m super rusty at CvS2. I spent like years practicing and getting my shit straight for CvS2 but now it is all gone to waste.

If CvS2 was hot again I would definitely play it instead of SF4.
But look, CvS2 has no ONLINE play (currently), and the local arcades rarely have any players. It’s hard to get practice on CvS2 rather than the computer AI, which is lame.

I wish it was online rereleased online so we could all play and forget about SF4

Hell if ST or MVC2 are still around this should be. Keep playing it’ll be back.

In France, there are still people playing the game, because the game is great and that’s all. It’s not really about SF4, some players here play both games, others don’t like SF4 but at the end CVS2 is still here even if for sure SF4 and Tekken6 are the games where you’ll easily find competition…
However, there will be CVS2 again this year on competition at Sunfest for instance!

I’d still play it at arcades if every arcade in norcal didnt use shitty happs still.

I really miss it in a lot of ways. No arcades around here have it though. I thought I found a CvS2 cab one day, but it was CvS1, with a SNK button layout. =/

I’d still play it if there was a scene for it. Unfortunately, for all the good things CvS2 has going for it, it is one of the least noob friendly Street Fighter games in the history of everything. It’s really hard to get new players into it for all sorts of reasons I know I don’t need to restate here.

Funny this came up, because I’ve been talking with my friends about bringing back an old classic. Everyone agreed that CvS2 is it. I’ve been trying to figure out why I never played it much, and I can only assume 3S basically eclipsed it. I’m looking forward to something “new” again, and I’m not relying on Super to bring it.

I only know of a few people who still play in my local area. Heck, I still play it from time to time. I just don’t have anybody to play with. I was glad they had it at NCR this year. Though, I didn’t get a chance to play because my opponent was Ricky, and he was off doing other things. I just ended up leaving because I was dead tired and hadn’t slept in 24+ hours. Haha, I know LB felt a bit bad, but it was still fun to see Leezy and Dr. B play.

we had a turnout of about 12 players for a tournament in november. i expect more at the next. the only downside is that by the time we got to the end the top 2 didn’t even play, they just decided the top would win and left to play their other games.

i think one of the biggest problems facing this game’s longevity is how draining it can be to play for three hours, and how hard it is to build hype around matches. this can be helped, and i actually think the potential scene is growing.

if all of you can organize torunies in your local scene, we can really escalate this game’s visability i went to my local tournament organizer and asked him if i could tack on a cvs2 side tourney to his sf4/t6 event and 12 entries isn’t bad for a game that’s ‘dead’ and its not like the comp were a bunch of scrubs either.

point is we’re coming back

and hot damn leezy @ ncr was gdlk, so fucking hype

I just got this game for ps2 right after Christmas. It is my favorite out of all the fighting games i have played.I love how fast it is. I am still a total scrub, but I would love to play with some good players and get some pointers. I still need to decide my groove and team, so any advice on that would be great too. its really too bad that this game isnt on ggpo.

Good shit, Hav.

My scene (well former, since I moved) never stopped playing it. We have 10-12 strong that play regularly.

I get a lot of casuals amongst friends, could use a little work but it’s better than nothin’…

i’d so play cvs2 again if it was released on psn/xbl

i hate the way it died cause people didn’t want to dedicate time to learning the game. people nowadays just want simple FADC xx ultra shit and don’t wanna practice. smh.

A lot of gamers in general these days are lazy. If it’s not simple and easy or some type of shooter, most don’t bother sticking with it. Which is why crap like SF4 is going to still be big and why people who don’t like/can’t play top tier MvC2 teams/characters at a high level look down on it.

Though I don’t get why people would even care if CvS2 is hard to learn. I enjoy losing in this game more than most of the games I play and die/lose/never beat. I’m not sure why that is though.

this game should’ve gotten one more year at evo.

See you there m8 :china:
And I hope to see some american players, namely buktooth (hi btw, we did indeed have a couple of nice chats at stunfest:shy:) and NKI there this year as well. Oh and this OT shit was the only thing I wanted to say, thank you very much, long live cvs!

I still played CVS2 and 3S consistantly even when SF4 came out. I didn’t jump on the SF4 bandwagon till about Aug09.
I really wish CVS2 was on PSN. Downloadable game would be nice since my CVS2 cd lags on my tv.

This game should really be put on psn or GGPO, Null DC support NOW!!! I’m tired of playing against the cpu.

for real

For real I’d drop everything for CvS2 on XBLA/PSN, I love this game…

So people here have seemed to have picked it back up, it’s awful though, I can’t hit most of my links anymore :<