I take back what I said, it’s worth $10 IF they patch the networking. A game that doesn’t offer too much depth but has great networking is totally worth $10. Unfortunately, the random disconnects, stuttering, and even noticeable lag(surprising, considering the game is so simple and uses GGPO) ruin the online experience for me. And, for the record, I use the lobby search and stick to connections under 80 ping. I don’t even bother with quickmatch anymore, as it’s terrible at choosing a suitable, or even playable, connection.
Apparently I’ve had a massively different experience than yours. From my matches the netcode is awesome, even 200 ping matches are only slightly laggy. Anything under 100 is almost offline quality.
You still have never explained in even the slightest detail as to how the “gameplay is awful” beyond just saying “awful gameplay”. You’re getting a lot of negative responses because you’re just yelling that this game sucks without backing it up with any real reasons. How can someone who has no idea how games are developed say that no effort was put into divekick? You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Apparently. Or I could argue that my standards are higher than yours. I get more lag in Divekick than I do in Skullgirls, which seems ridiculous to me, when you consider how much more is going on in SG.
Whatever the case, I’ve put this game away until we get some sort of patch.
Again why? I don’t understand this idea. The game is beyond wortth $10.00 and I honestlyquestion the people flat out declaring that divekick is devoid of depth. I think the people that are taking this game very seriously are doing cool stuff and pushing the game still, and I think most people have barely scratched the surface but don’t realize how little they know.