So... Any arcades there with TvC?

It’s already 2009. Didn’t some arcade owners say that they will have the machine around at January 09?

yes, i believe there is one in jersey

There’s some arcades with it by me :slight_smile:

yourmother, your in japan right? whats the button layout at the arcade, so i can make sure i map it properly when i start using my stick soon

Also what screen ratio have they got in the arcade version? If you can try and test out the Ryu combo: [media=youtube]Fl-iBCiLClo[/media]

the break in nj has it but its on 4:3

AFAIK there’s an expensive version and a cheaper version, the first being in 16:9 and the second being in 4:3. Which is quite unfortunate…

yep, american sticks. 1 dollar per play.

I’m waiting local arcades in my country to have this. So many Tekken 6 machines yet no new arcade machines. >: (

still sitting here awaiting for one in CTF