This will be our new thread for compiling and discussing Wolverine combos of all types and the best openers for landing damage.
Please feel free to post your assist specific combos, team specific combos, resets/mixups, DHC combos, character specific combos and solo wolvie combos here. No Xfactor combos, unless its something earthshaking, we all know that a lvl3XFC BNB will go for 100%, we just dont need to see all the variations.
Try to include notation and data or a video.
I will maintain this thread regularly.
Link to old combo thread:
Wolverine Basics: [media=youtube]yPxlrsJIVlo[/media]
*****Some combos will be listed with all possible normal attacks, sometimes this will result in less overall damage but gain more meter. So it will be up to you to cater the combo to you specific needs. Damage, Meter or Style.
*****Combos ending with air Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw can have Fatal Claw replaced by Dive Kick or an Aerial Exchange. This can give you more damage with Dive Kick when you dont have meter or give you options to extend the combo with Aerial Exchange.
:l: - Light Atk
- Medium Atk
:h: - Hard Atk
:s: - Launcher
:atk: - Any Atk other than :s:
- Back
:d: - Down
:f: - Forward
:u: - Up
^ - Super Jump Cancel from Launch
j - Jump
sj- Super Jump
jc - Jump Cancel
IOH - Instant Over Head
~ - Link(combos), Approximate(data)
xx - Cancel
[ ]x# - brackets will be used to enclose sequences that are repeated, with multipler for # of reps
Drill Claw - :atk::s: (can be done in 8 directions by holding a direction, neutral direction will auto-track your opp)
Dive Kick - :d::h:
Barrage - :qcf::atk: (specific atk will be noted, medium Barrage will apear as Barrage)
Barrage® - rapid press Barrage for extra hits, light rapid press Barrage will apear as :l:Barrage®
Slash - :qcb::atk: (specific atk will be noted, medium Slash will appear as Slash)
B.Charge - :d::d::atk::atk:
Fatal Claw - :qcb::atk::atk:
B.Barrage X - :qcf::atk::atk:
Weapon X - :dp::atk::atk:
This old thing: (with extra hits for meter and demonstation of what normals are possible):
cr:l::l:cr:m::h:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw (or end with Dive Kick or Aerial Exchange)
Damage: ?
Meter: ?
cr:m::h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land j:uf: j:m:j:m:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~629k
Meter: +1bar(combo) -1bar(hyper)
Net Meter: Zero!!!
(Corner Only) cr:m::h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~694k (when i did this I got ~735k)
Meter: ?
cr:l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw, land ~ :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land dash :df:
Damage: 646k
(I just stumbled onto this today (IDK how I missed it) so I havent tested what might be possible at the end, but with the right assist you may be able to end it with; Assist + :df: ~ :h: xx Hyper)
j:m:j:m: land j:m:j:s: xx :df:Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Fatal Claw
(Obviously we can expand on this combo in many ways, but whats significant about it is the Overhead loop performed on a normal sized character)
Damage: ?
Meter: ?
Alot of these resets should set you up for an easy throw. Off of any throw, Air or Ground, Wolverine can dash in OTG his opp with :df:, and potentially go into a variety of options if he has the proper assist to keep them in hit stun until he can recover and begin attacking.
Food for thought… Im sure we can come up with some nifty stuff with that.
Dime: (resets and mixups)
(any standard BNB starter) :l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick…
Dive Kick will track the opp regardless of how they recover (forward, back or neutral)
Dash to plink Dash will auto correct to whatever direction your opp recovers
- land :l: dash, plink dash, any Mix-up
- land :l: dash j:atk::s: :d::h:
Or, in the corner, after :d::h: pause (akwardly long) dash, plink dash Mix-up (can add assist while dashing)
This will create the same autocorrect for the dash so you can stay on top of your opp regardless of there recovery direction.
KOH: (B.Charge loop to Air Throw Reset)
cr:l:cr:m::h: xx :l:Slash xx B.Charge ~ [:l:Barrage®]x7 cr:l: j:uf: Air Throw (follow with dash, Assist, :df:, possible combo ender)
Killtz: (Reset from Fatal Claw)
BNB, :s: (slight delay) ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill CLaw xx Fatal Claw, land :l:, Reset
(you have to slightly delay your sjc after the launch as well as the timing between your j:m:s and j:h: in order to bring your opp up toward the top of the Fatal CLaw hitbox, this allows you enough time to land the :l: into reset)
Reset Options: (Obviously you can do anything you want, but here are some options)
*****cr:l: etc…
*****IOH(just about any air atk will work on standing chars except j:h:, but you can combo :df:Drill Claw out of j:s:)
*****Cross-up slash
*****Block and punish mashing
*****Back dash and punish wiff
*****j:s: xx :df::atk::s: ~ :d::h: (ground bounce) BNB, or any of the above resets/mixups
*****Projectile Assist, or :h:Slash(cross-up), :h::s:, etc…
(with the proper assist this can be done without B.Charge)
*****Throw(air or ground), dash, Assist, :df:, :h::s:, etc…
(this is going to be assist and timing specific. The time between assist and :df: is going to vary from one assist to another: information on applicable assist located below in Character Specific section)
*****While watching the MegamanDS v Fanatiq matches[media=youtube]Q87PYHmnm88&feature=feedu[/media] I noticed these guys really taking advantage of their characters potential in the air, during Aerial Exchanges. I noticed that, with Wolverine, MegamanDS was making sure to gave himself an opportunity too get a full combo by tagging in with the following moves:
Aerial Exchange Opener:
Aerial Exchange to Wolverine, j:l:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, ground bounce, (Reset or BNB)
There are alot of B.Charge loops, but I dont want to include much of the XFC stuff, so If you have a nice loop that you used XFC for turn it in and Ill include it here. Or if I get enough Ill create a XFC section
(Corner) cr:m::h: xx B.Charge ~ :h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw~ :df:Dive Kick ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~735k
Meter: ?
(Midscreen) Slash xx B.Charge, :h: xx :l:Slash ~ cr:m::h: xx Slash ~ cr:m::h: xx
Slash ~ :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Ender (Fatal Claw, Dive Kick or Aerial Exchange)
B.Charge Loops [media=youtube]y5RtQlFu7B0[/media]:
:h: xx :l:Slash xx B.Charge ~ [
Barrage®]x7 ~ Fatal Claw
Damage: ~607k (hard to see on youtube)
Meter: ?
Barrage Loop and Cross up Reset:
:h: xx :l:Slash xx B.Charge ~ [
Slash(cross-up Reset) xx B.Charge ~ [
Barrage®]x7 ~ cr:l:, Reset
cr:l:cr:m::h: xx :l:Slash xx B.Charge ~ :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, j:uf: j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~706k
Meter: ?
cr:l:cr:m::h: xx :l:Slash xx B.Charge ~ j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land
:s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h:Barrage® ~ Fatal Claw
Damage: ~691k
Slash xx B.Charge, dash ():h::s: ^ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h: xx :l:Slash ~ cr:m::h: xx :l:Slash ~ :h: xx [
Barrage®]x3 xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~613k (w/out Fatal Claw)
X-Factor Combos
Throw, :df: XFC
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s:, land :a1: :df:
~ :h:Barrage® xx B.Barrage X
(Use an assist that allows you to combo from an OTG :df:; i.e. Tatsu)
(I took this combo from the DMG PR Rog v Murderface matches [media=youtube]gl25AnCEOa0[/media], @8min20sec. Tokido’s combo ended after the j:s: because his opp died; so everything after that is simply what I assume he would do)
j:s: xx :df:Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land, dash :df: XFC
:h: xx
Slash xx B.Barrage X
(Honestly I dont even know if this will work but Im just trying to get things started with some XFC combos, and I wanted to use the :df:)
Weapon X Plus:
Any combo leading to Weapon X, dash :df: XFC, combo ender
Instant Over Heads
j:l:j:s: xx Drill Claw ~Dive Kick, etc:
Works on all standing opps except:
Crouching opp:
j:l:(slight pause)j:l:j:s: xx (Drill Claw ~Dive Kick) or (land :l:), etc:
Works on all standing opps except:
Crouching opp:
(j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land)x3 :l:, etc:
[j:l:j:m:(slight pause)j:m:j:h: land]x2 :l:, etc:
HagenNORKANOIA: Wolvie/Doom(Hidden Missles)
:l::l::h:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :a1: + :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land, Hidden Missles OTG, combo ender or Reset
You can end the combo however you like, but you will run out of hit-stun very fast, so make it short and powerful (i.e. reset, :l:Beserker Barrage® ~ Beserker Barrage X, Slash xx Fatal Claw, or Weapon X)
Damage: ~890k w/ Weapon X ender
Wikum: Wolvie/Dante(Jam Session) 1
:l::l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land :a1: (slight pause) :df:
~ Fatal Claw
MurderbyDeath: Wolvie/Dante(Jam Session) 2
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx DrillClaw ~ Dive Kick, land :h:[:s:+:a1:](slight pause) ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx :uf:DrillClaw xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~675k
flightflightflught: Wolvie/Ryu/Chun (Tatsu, Lightning Legs)
:l::l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :a1::h: (wait for last hit of Tatsu) :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land :a2: (slight pause) :df:
~ Fatal Claw
Damage: ?
Meter: ?
InsayNe: Wolvie/Ammy (Cold Star)
cr:l:cr:m::h:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land j:uf:j:h:j:s: land :a1: (slight pause) :df:
~ :dp::h: xx Fatal Claw(cancel late for max height) land :dp::h: xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~812k
Meter: ?
Titan44: Wolvie/Iron Man(Repulsor Blast)
(Corner):l::h::s: ^ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land :a1: (slight pause) :df:
Slash xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~724k
Vegit814: Wolvie/Doom/Akuma (Hidden Missles, Tatsu)
(burly stuff, so much meter might be considered impractical, but still rad)
cr:l:cr:m::a1::h: xx Slash® xx Fatal Claw (Hidden Missles hit) sj j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h:Barrage® xx Weapon X, dash xx wave dash :a2: :df:m: ~ :h:Barrage® xx Fatal Claw
Damage: 1,150k+
Meter: -5bars(hypers) +1bar(combo)
Net Meter: -4bars
WolverineMaster: Wolvie/Sent/Mags (Drones/Grav)
:l::a1::h: xx
Slash ~
Slash ~
Slash xx B.Charge, dash
:a2::h: xx
Slash ~ :h::s: ^ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick land
Slash xx Beserker Barrage X ~ Weapon X
(omit lvl3 Hyper for practicality)
Damage:~1,200k w/ Weapon X; ~700k w/out Weapon X
Wolvie/Wesker/Akuma (Samurai Edge, Tatsu)
(Corner) j:s: land :h::s: ^ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:h: xx :u:Drill Claw ~ j:h:j:s:, land :a1: ~ :h::s: ^ j:h:j:s:, land :a2: :df:, :dp::h:(rapid press) xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~855k
Wolvie/Assist(must allow you to combo from :df:)
:h: xx :l:Slash ~ :l:
:h::s: ^ j.:h: xx Drill Claw ~ j.:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, Land :h::s: ^ j.
j.:l:j.:h:j.:s:, land Assist + Dash, :df:
~ B.Barrage X
Damage: 534k (before :df: + Assist, Hyper)
Wolvie/Akuma/Chun Li (Tatsu/Hyakuretsu)
Slash xx Berserker Charge ~ Dash ():h::s: ^ j.:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, Land :h: xx :l:Slash ~ :d:
:h: xx :l:Slash ~ :a1::h: xx :l:Slash ~ :h::s: ^ j.:h:j.:s:, land :a2: :df:
~ :h::s: xx tk:h:Barrage® xx Fatal Claw (can replace final :h::s: with :d:
:h:, does less damage)
(if you tiger knee the input for B.Barrage from :s: it will cancel the jump cancel!, and go straight into B.Barrage, and the opp will still be grounded because of Chun Li’s assist)
Damage: ~703k (w/out Fatal Claw)
Wolvie/Akuma (Tatsu)
BNB ~ Dive Kick, :a1::h: xx :l:Slash, dash :h::s: ^ etc
BNB ~ Dive Kick, j:uf:j:m::a1:j:h:j:s: land, dash :h::s: ^ etc
Dannkk: Wolvie/Hulk (Gamma Wave)
(Corner) :l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~Dive Kick, land, j:uf:
j:m:j:h:j:s::a1:, land :h:Barrage® xx B.Barrage X
Damage: ~649k (w/ B.Barrage X) ~457k (w/out Hyper)
MurderfaceTokido: Wolvie/Akuma (Tatsu)
Throw, dash :a1: :df: ~:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s:
Trag: Wolvie/Assist(must allow you to combo from :df:)
cr:l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw, land ~ :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land dash + assist, :df:
~ Hyper
(The assist and final hyper are not apart of anything that Trag does in the vid but I think its a def possibility with the right assist)
*There are many Assist that will work for these situations were OTG :df: is applicable. Check the list below.
*The following is a work in progress
Assist that connect after OTG :df:
Dante: Jam Session
Iron Man: Smart Bomb
Taskmaster: Straight Arrow
Trish: ?
Akuma: Tatsu
Ammy: Cold Star
Ryu: Tatsu
Mags: Hyper Grav?
Tron: Gustav Flame
Chun Li: Lightning Legs
Spencer: Armor Piercer, Slant Shot
Arthur- Daggers
Deadpool- Quick Work
Zero- Shipuuga
Chris- Gun Shot
Wesker- Ghost Butterfly
Pheonix- TK Shot
Assist that allow you to continue a combo after OTG :df:
(the manor by which you continue your combo will vary from one assist to another)
Ammy- ColdStar
Dante- Jam Session
Deadpool- Quick Work?
Chun Li- Lightning Legs
Chris- Gun Shot
Wesker- Ghost Butterfly
Pheonix- TK Shot
Akuma - Tatsu
Mags- Hyper Grav?
Spencer- Slant Shot
Ryu- Tatsu
Taskmaster- Front Arrow
Tron- Gustav Flame
Arthur- Daggers
Zero- Shipuuga
^I need help completing these two list, so if anyone wants help that would be great, just post what you find in this thread.
cr:l:cr:m:cr:h: jc:uf: :df::atk::s:, land jc:uf: :df::atk::s: land
:s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land OTG w/ Elemental Rage, DHC B.Charge ~ cr:m::h: xx :l:Slash ~ cr:m::h: xx :l:Slash ~
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s:
(I imagine you could get a Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw inplace of the final j:s:, or at least a :df: after the hard knockdown)
Damage: 1,014k (as listed)
Meter: only needs 1.15bars to start combo
Starting with Storm:
cr:m:cr:h: jc:uf: :df::atk::s: land cr:h: jc:uf: j:h: adf j:h: land
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:h:j:s: land OTG w/ Elemental Rage, DHC B.Charge (slight pause) j:uf:
j:h:j:s: land j:uf:
j:h:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw (or if there is no meter for Fatal Claw, link a Dive Kick or attempt an Aerial Exchange)
Damage: 1,000k+
Starting with Wolvie:
(I like this one because Wolvie can build more meter in the initial combo)
cr:m::h:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ :d::s:(or any aerial exchange) j:m:j:h:j:s: land OTG w/ Elemental Rage, DHC B.Charge (slight pause) j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw (or if there is no meter for Fatal Claw, link a Dive Kick or attempt an Aerial Exchange)
Damage: 1,000k +
:l::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, land :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx :d::s:(or other Aerial Exchange) j:m:j:h:j:s: land Elemental Rage, DHC B.Charge
:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick (or xx Fatal Claw)
This combo can be started with 0 meter and do 1,000k damage, if you can land the :d::s: Aerial Exchange and end with Dive Kick
(Any DHC Glitch starter/Wolvie)
(Midscreen) Any BNB combo leading into DHC Glitch, B.Charge ~ :h: xx :l:Slash ~ cr:m::h: xx Slash ~ cr:m::h: xx
Slash ~ :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Ender (Fatal Claw, Dive Kick or Aerial Exchange)
j:s: cr:m::h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h:j:s: land :qcf::uf::h:(tk down grapple) j:s: land :qcf::s:(Armor Piercer) xx :qcf::atk::atk:(Bionic Manuvers), DHC B.Charge (pause) j:u: j:m:j:h:j:s: land j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: (ender)
Damage: ~1,121k(end with j:s:)
~1,139k(end with Dive Kick)
~1,308k(end with Fatal Claw)
Meter: +0.75bars(combo) -2 to -3bars(hypers)
(this could be hit for hit someone elses combo but its just something I came up with in training last night)
Dante or Mag/ Wolvie:
Diveman: (Dante or Magneto/Wolverine)
Mag or Dante Combo, DHC B.Charge st:h: xx :l: slash, [cr. st.:h: xx :l: slash] x3, :s:, delayed jump j.
j.:h: xx Drill claw, Divekick, land (berserker charge ends) :h: barrage xx Fatal Claw
Lead in combo + 626k (w/ out Fatal Claw)
Lean in combo + 808k (w/ Fatal Claw)
(Midscreen) Ammys Solar Flare ~ Veil of Mist, DHC B.Charge ~ Slash ~ (:h: xx
Slash)x4 ~ :h: xx :h:Barrage® xx Fatal Claw
Note: This B.Charge combo is Veil of Mist specific
(Your only reseting the damage from Solar Flare but its still worth alot of damage, and its super stylish.)
These B.Charge routines should work for after any of the DHC Glitch starters, so long as your opp is put into spin state.
MrNannie: (Storm/Wolvie DHC Damage/Hit Stun Reset Loop)
(Involves too many Aerial Exchanges to be practical, and to make it past more than 2 reps you need to do :d::s: aerial exchanges or have alot of meter saved so you can all but forget about this combo in real matches)
(Wolvie/Storm/Wolvie)cr:l:cr:m::h:cr:h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ Dive Kick, :h::s: ^ j:m:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw ~ :d::s:(or any aerial exchange) j:m:j:h:j:s: land OTG w/ Elemental Rage, DHC B.Charge (slight pause) j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land j:uf: j:m:j:h:j:s: land :s: ^ j:m:j:h: :d::s:(or any Aerial Exchange) j:m:j:h:j:s: land OTG w/ Elemental Rage, DHC B.Charge etc…
Damage: More than ever needed
Meter: More than anyone can afford
*If we could figure out a B.Charge combo that will last until the B.Charge state ends then it would be possible to loop it back to B.Charge.
(Super High Damage, but requires XFC and lvl3 Hyper)
:h:Slash xx Weapon X ~ dash :df: XFC
:h::s: ^ j:l:j:l:j:m:j:h: xx Drill Claw xx Fatal Claw
Damage: ~1,302k
Meter: all of it
Ultimate FTW
:a1:+:a2: XFC dash back, taunt
(So deadly, it will actually cause you opps console to shut down)