SNES classic adapter to use an arcade stick

Woah! Didn’t realise Retroarch was available on the Snes mini Classic, thanks for the heads up, are there any nice extra scanline filters available do you know?

Wht about using the Tatsunoko vs Capcom Wii stick? AFAIK it has a Wii classic like connector, right? It should plug on the Snes Mini and work.

That’ll definitely work but that’d be more expensive than pad hacking.

Not sure how easy it is to hack the newer ps4 sticks (I’ve always gone UFB or EZ MOD), but I had access to a old fightstick pro that I put a Wii classic pro pcb in and it’s doing the job perfectly!

Well I’m not too savvy on all that soldering or modding with wires. Wish there was just an adapter that’s tested plug n play.

Darksakul said it earlier.
You can padhack a wii classic controller and wire it up to undamned’s usb decoder board. The decoder board will decode usb controller button presses into separate output signals. Wire each signal to the inputs of the wii classic controller.

yeah I got that decoder. Doesn’t work :\

Them TvC sticks are cheap as hell all things considered, those cases are real nice and easy to mod. The Wii Hori FS, another cheapie, harder to mod but well worth it if you put the time in.

I find that surprising. Those encoder work wonder for me in the past

The 8bitdo stick is indeed Bluetooth, but you’d have to also buy their Bluetooth adaptor for the NES/SNES Classic. All-in-all, I think that would be a $100 expense. The 8bitdo stick is the Mayflash f300 with Bluetooth/battery and a different PCB btw.

The 8bitdo wireless adapter supports a lot of different Bluetooth controllers too. In theory, you could hook up a TvC stick with an extension cable and it should work. You may even be able to get it working semi-wirelessly with the 8bitdo adaptor and a wiimote.