SNCR or Devastation?

Anybody planning on going to SNCR or Devastation? I wanna go to at least one, so if you know your going, post up and plan ahead here please.

what are the dates? if you dont mind answering a lazy person

IIRC both tournaments are the last weekend of May, so Memorial day weekend.

Super NCR is in NorCal, the same hotel that Strong Style (a Tekken tournament) was held at.

@Geese hey I’m seriously considering on going to SNCR but the only thing holding me back is getting a room with people who are FOR SURE going. I hit up Slash and has not yet decided on weather he is, or isn’t going…

If you could confirm some Portland peeps on going and want to room then please let me know ASAP. Also, I think Black Steve is in the same boat I am in. So if we get some people committed then it looks like two guys from Seattle can room with y’all.

Super NCR –

DEV10 –

I am like…90% confirmed to go to SuperNCR. A) Its basically like going home and B) It depends on how ahead I am in school aka I’ll be probably taking two weeks off from SF and getting my portfolio done way before I need ot have it done.

Now whether im flying or driving is a separate issue

I’m interested in going to SNCR. First i have to see how much EVO is going to cost me before i commit to anything, but im definetly interested.

I’d really like to go to NorCal Regionals, but don’t have the money or the vacation time available. :\ (I work Sundays)