Snake Eyez Exposed TURBO ***

Snake eyez played me back in 2009 with ken and I beat him easily even though he used a turbo I could tell cuz I knocked him down with honda then before he gets up i belly splashed deep into frame then split nanosec later he threw a uppercut CLEAR TURBO USE,I still beat his ass though.He prob deactivated the turbo lightr for his evo tourny

heres what I do to turbo bums like SNAKE EYEZ [media=youtube]GZA5fNjbGkQ[/media]

heres another turbo bum like snake eyez [media=youtube]H-oX_rjXmPc[/media]

I am disappointed i was expecting hot nude pics of him :frowning:






Those vids should be under comedy.

Aqua Snake im the real deal man,Ill take u the fuck out in HF [media=youtube]fh35UYI2gDo[/media]

Ken mexicanos ken on HF is almost unbeatable with his turbo cheating ass but I pull out the victory everytime,Ken mexicano is mealisaste ranked 12th legit on HF in the world back before all the boosters messed the leaderboards up

I dont tolerate NO shit talk about me ILL Take your fucking ass to the cornfield and make you work



Cool thread bro.

LOL. Stuff is hilarious.