There were only the three people that I can recall being under 21 ( ronnical, virsaga and truespark? ) The only reason we ran into the time issue was it took an extra 20-30 mins for the stream to be set up and picking and choosing stream matches was another thing I noticed. These are easy fixes and we shoudn’t run into this time issue again.
If your not 21 please let me know on the thread so I can see if we possibly need a venue change.
I would like to try a more space efficient setup this time, maybe if Slash setup his stuff on the left side of the stage it would allow use to use more of the room on the right side of it?
We could try it on the left if we can get the net to reach…I have like a 25ft ethernet so im sure we can figure something out…as for space in general…its as good as it gets.
I have a hub and a very very long cable that can be used to extend ethernet to anywhere in that building, I also have the Clear wireless setup. Just say the word.