Slightly mis-cropped arcade monitor

So,I just recently got my hands on a converted Hyper Fighting cab. Everything on it looks and works great except for the video being slightly off and cutting away a small portion of the P2 side of the screen while having a small black gap beside the 1P side. Does anyone know to to fix this?

Pics for reference:


Cutting off 2P side

Visible gap between the video and the rest of the monitor.

Spaces for P2 victory icons clearly offscreen.


Anyone have any ideas?
Is there anything I could do on the game board or with the monitor that would help?

The monitor perhaps, probably, I just haven’t touched a crt in a long time.
I did attempt to load up 3 different boards, SFA2, SFA3, and SF2T and found no options in the test menus that could help.

Did fight this though… effing youtube has all kinds of crap.
[media=youtube]MUL5TiUYAss[/media] - Arcade Monitor Adjusting

Holy crap these red necks actually know their shit.
Actually I watched their other videos and they are pretty legit on the advice and tips they give, but its all directed completely towards American style cabs.

Interesting,but I’m actually not seeing any controls like that inside my cab. But,I did go ahead and shoot those guys an email about my problem.

If you watched the video the guy tells you how to locate the pots for the v-hold and h-hold
Maybe if you post a pic of the back side of your arcade monitor.

Never mind I found it!
It was very very very well hidden between 2 other boards, making me think it was just another one of them. The wire didn’t exactly go straight to the tube though, it was just wired directly to one of the boards. But,anyways I adjusted the h-hold and the screen size and it’s perfect now!