By posting in this subforum, you are agreeing to follow the Shoryuken site rules, in addition to the following subforum-specific rule:
[]When replying, do not quote images or videos. Remove the IMG or MEDIA tags from them before replying. Spoiler tags are not an exception! We aren’t trying to be mean, it just makes the forums a lot less uncluttered and easier to read.
[]Off-topic threads, salt threads (and the like) aren’t allowed anymore. We tried them, but they were deleted by admins. If you want to socialize, go check out the Lounge thread in the General Discussion section of the forums. It can be intimidating at first, but just be cool to people and they’ll be cool to you.
[*]**NEW 11/20/12 When making new threads, please label your threads with either “ROE” (Really Olde Edition) or “SDE” (Slightly Different Edition) so we can keep track of them! **Talk of v.1.0 should die down after the 360 patch release, but do this for the time being so we can keep new threads separate.
As a reminder: Please remember to be friendly and civil with everyone, especially if someone disagrees with something you said.
[][General FAQ]('The Skullgirls General FAQ
[][Gamertag listing]('Gamertag sharing thread [XBL metatag is ‘SkullgirlsSRK’]
[][XBox Live Matchmaking]('Skullgirls XBL Matchmaking Thread
[][Playstation Network Matchmaking]('Skullgirls PSN Matchmaking Thread (Dat GPPO)
[*][Story Discussion]('Skull Girls Story Discussion Thread: ALERT! SPOILERS INBOUND!