Skullgirls Team Building and General Strats. Anti booty assist video on first page

Mainly other people are going to use assists against your team so they’ll be able to put more hit boxes on the screen than you can solo. Assists can help you extend combos also. Not to mention their team can recharge their health with red health while your one character can’t. Plus gives you access to things like alpha counters, CSC’s/DHC’s and other stuff that can save you from getting locked down in a bad situation. I know Mike Z wants all ratio types to be viable but I really feel like you get access to more of the game’s mechanics with a 3 character team and having access to all of the game’s mechanics with at least a 2 character team I feel will be very important.

A 1 character team will be mainly just about playing patient trying to land hits to kill characters off quickly. It should be pretty viable but for tournaments I see people liking the convenience of having access to more of the game’s systems more often. Since the game’s sub systems pretty much require characters to unlock.

Well, in some cases, you can fit in more heavy hits with an assist to extend combos or maximize the damage. For example with Parasoul a combo with her by herself does 4761 damage. But with an assist, I can otg with :b:+:hk: instead of st.:lk: with the help of an assist and bring the damage up to 5956 (taking into account the multipliers) and even provide opportunity to fit in one more super after. This may not be true for all of the cast though. Again there are trade offs, you in turn have less health and can be killed off much easier. You just have to weigh your options, both good and the bad.

I’ve been playing all day, and I’m able to adapt to most people in about 3-4 matches… unless they play one character: Ms fortune. I mainly play parasoul (usually she doesn’t die and I never tag out) with double as backup draining super with fortune heads. (sometimes I just solo parasoul if I don’t need zoning, the assist helps with it)

Anyway, against ms fortune, I do fine until she takes off her head. then I just get raped. is the fortune head bite a throw? I keep getting hit out of every attack i do as well. and avoiding the fortune head is hard. it moves so fast… with real mis fortune the mixups are insane, I don’t know what to do. Anyone have tips on this matchup?

I sometimes try and punish fortune for something and hte head hits me too… (the head can’t hit when fortune’s in hitstun/blockstun … right?) I swear i got hit out of double’s fortunehead super.

Head bite is an attack throw (puts you in grab/capture state if you are not blocking), not an actual grab throw. It’s still very good and much like Parasoul’s egret bike move. If you’re not blocking you’re getting caught up.

I would just try to place qcb+K tears on the screen and try to fill up the screen also. Then throw out napalm shots and occasionally egret dive to negate the head (if that works)

If you’re getting hit while she was in hit or block stun, it’s most likely because they must have called the head right before they were put in that state.

I can see stuff like solo Cerabella always being scary, but you can counter with a good keepaway team pretty hard. Still though, solo bella can outright kill a character and her throw super does over half damage or somethign crazy like that.

Best solo characters? Cerabella, Ms. Fortune, Double, and Painwheel (obviously my opinion and I haven’t really gotten any versus in, so… mostly just speculation). The other four I don’t see doing nearly as well.

Yeah 1 spot Cerebella will most likely be the CVS2 Ratio 4 K Raiden of the game. Very powerful even on her own.


Not top tier ruin your entire team XF3 Wesker/Strider shit like SOME people wanna make it out to be…but very powerful even when considering there’s a lot of techniques a solo character doesn’t get access to.

How does placing tears on the screen stop the fortune head?

Also, does the egret dive push the fortune head back? If not, What do i do once the egret is gone? the head is still close by.

I play Peacock as a dedicated point character, think I’ll set her to Bass Session just as a shout out to my own instrument of choice. :U

Mainly what you wanna do is put tear shots and tosses on the screen so that way if she is coming to invade your space with the head…you have bombs waiting to go off to screw up her game also. Parasoul is basic space control via hit boxes. The more stuff you have on the screen that impedes where the opponent can place themselves safely…the easier it is for you to enact your gameplan. Especially when they eventually set off and explode also. Parasoul really isn’t that scary on her own. She just has good pokes. You gotta get her specials flooded up on the screen to really control the game.

The egret dive won’t push the head back but it absorbs the hits which is better than nothing. Overall that’s why Parasoul is a space control character. You’re supposed to get tosses on the screen (preferably towards the floor if you’re worried about the head) so that she can’t just barrage you with head stuff. Basically set up a fort before she gets into that spot with the head.

Call egret bike when needed to push her to the back of the screen if the Fortune player is mashing on buttons still and not blocking.

in other words, the traps are there to fuck up your opponent if they step in without respect? cause on there own the traps dont do anything till they blow up, allowing characters to dash through them with ease… i think thats more of the question… what to do against people that simply want to run through parasouls bs on reaction and simply mix up whether they run or jump… if they run then para can shot them or F+HP i imagine… but what if they jump instead… they get over your anti dash moves… anywho thats more of a question, than an addendum to your reply to unessentials post.

i guess a one move fits all answer would be jumping hp after setting the ground traps…


You want an anti air assist to cover whatever potentially may smack you over your head that the tears won’t initially account for. It’s just I think you’ll get surprising mileage out of using Parasoul’s tears and bike moves as you have the assist covering.

If you poke at them while sitting by the traps they have to respect shit. Either they’re going to get hit by your umbrella or later on when the tears explode. That’s before you add in the egret dive, bike and possible assists.

I would run them over with the bike and/or call AA assist if you’re in a bind but…Parasoul should have the tools to keep it from getting to that in the first place.

Sitting on tear tosses on the floor and napalm pillar if you don’t have an AA assist available shouldn’t be too bad either.

ahhh, good stuff, that is exactly what i was looking for, thanks!


Painwheel with Filias DP (aka Psylocke) assist is so ridiculous. I cant wait until I actually start maximizing my damage in matches lol.

I love Painwheel so much… just keep cancelling shit into fly over and over lol.

I know the DP is good on point playing against my bro’s Filia so I imagine it’s not bad as assist also.

My brother likes her hairball/blanka roll assist ATM but he might as well just switch to updo since I told him to put Cerebella on his team for 3 people team (Filia/Cerebella/Fortune)

Sooo does Valentine have an assist that doesnt suck ass?
I cant find anything to use with her, i was initially using the command throw but that shit is sooo slow. Plus I’m hoping to find something with Valentine so i can switch Bella to Merry-Go-Rilla or Diamond Drop.

Also, quick question. if I go with a 2-person team, do i get to pick 2 assists for the same character? lol running Bella with both Napalm Pillar and Erget Charge in the back would be so godlike.

No, you only get one assist per character.

In the valentine thread someone said that and are really good as assists. I haven’t tried them out yet. I run her solo or just use izuna drop.

I have no idea what to use as an assist for Painwheel.

Right now I’m running Peacock / Painwheel / Parasoul.

I’m really starting to think Painwheel and Cerebella are BFF, so great together

I’m using Pinon Dash as Painwheel’s assist now, very surprised by it. Want to battle test it more today, it has great priority and allows for the easiest Cerebella hitconfirm ever.

You’ll have to get into this theory more for me. I tried it out in training mode and well…it only does one hit as an assist. I didn’t really find it particularly interesting except for it being a bit hit box.

I’m just running dat c.MP. Decent sized hit box, activates pretty quickly, hits low, hits 4 times for lockdown, it’s not Cerecopter but I like it. Especially good for Valentine who can just fly around as she’s coming low and then set up cross up with backdash to IAD j.HP at close range.

With Valentine I’ve been running s.MP ATM. Fast start up, hits 4 times, can’t be crouched. The block stun wears off quickly but it’s there long enough to set up mix up.

I know some people like Mortuary Drop which I tried to mess with but…I need an assist that locks down to compliment my napalm pillar AA/GTFO and it does the job well enough once Pain gets in.

In general I’m really trying to experiment with normal based assists because this is the first assist based game that allows you to use normals as assists. I’m sure there’s definitely some normals people are sleeping on that could be up there with some of the best special moves in utility.