No rapid cancel assist, damn, oh well I was probably going to use bike Egret or pillar anyway, they seem more practical. Thanks guys!
What are the best projectile assists? I also wanna know who most people think are the best anchors for 3 person teams. I agree Parasoul def seems the obv choice so far. What do you think about Double or Painwheel as anchor and their best assists?
I plan on running MsFortune / Filia / ???
I already did a write up in the Painwheel thread for why I believe Painwheel will in theory be one of the best anchors pretty free. Especially if she has 3 meters. Double, Valentine and Parasoul seem to have strong potential as anchors also. Valentine specifically because she has access to 6 different supers including 2 meter counter supers that have no flash activation making them very deceptive. Valentine with meter will definitely be hard to approach without worrying about taking reversal damage from the counter supers.
To specifically get into Double and Painwheel as anchors…I can’t really get into much with Double’s assists but I imagine her buttslam move might not be bad as an assist. The cat head super stored up will be great to help bring control to the match as an anchor also. Painwheel like I said I did write up on but her 3 meter activation super is definitely gonna run some comebacks and she definitely seems capable of controlling a match once she gets in. Her assists seem to be pretty sub par ATM outside of some of her normal based ones but I think it’s worth it if her anchor ability will be as strong as it seems.
As far as PJA’s…I’m not sure what the best would be ATM. Nobody outside of Peacock I’ve seen seem to have projectiles that would be like really scary as assists. That’s part of the reason why I went ahead with AAA for Parasoul on my team. Valentine doesn’t seem to have great GTFO me options so might as well have an assist for that. I don’t think Parasoul has a straight up projectile that would be awesome to throw out as an assist except maybe the egret bike one but I’d rather just have invincible assist for insurance on defense.and blowing through other people’s offense.
Now, I’ve only been watching videos and such, so I’m not sure how well these characters fare in my hands, but I’m thinking of starting with a team of Filia/Valentine & Double, then probably moving onto Fillia/Valentine & Double & Peacock/Parasoul.
I’m digging Filia/Valentine right now because I adore the rushdown-type characters. Filia, to me, seems a bit more basic in how she’s played compared to Valentine, but Valentine has a ton more options with spacing and movement, so idunno who’d I go with until I actually get to play them. Hitting someone with that added hitstun poison… Hoo boy, that can open up a lot of dialogue, if you know what I’m saying. Also, anyone know if the syringes Valentine throws are affected by gravity like her shurikens? I saw Mike Z mention something about it in the Valentine walkthrough, but he was always kind of close to his opponent.
I really dig Double since she has a lot of options, and it looks like she’s a good anchor with the multiple heads super.
Peacock/Parasoul are only going to beneficial to me once I know how to play a spacing game really well, else I think I’d just end up getting killed as them. Para feels like a trap character, while Pea has more of the direct assault range attacks.
Just kinda thinking out loud and sharing to see if anyone that follows SG more carefully than me can see any immediate drawbacks/holes in my lineup that I’d have to train to counteract, or if a different character would sound like they’d suit my tastes better. Helps that I’m gonna finish up on my first ever stick this weekend, so learning an entirely new game with an entirely new control scheme seems like it’ll be fun.
Yeah. That’s a shame she doesn’t have a move or two which can grant her invincibility against hits or throws… OR DOES SHE!!! O_o
Is Parasoul the only character that seems fit for solo play?
She might end up being one of the top tiers for single play but hardly the only character fit. Well I’m only really considering 1v1 stuff. Even in a 1v3 I see a 1 character team of Parasoul or Double being able to do big damage for a while until people really figure out the game.
I would say most of the characters should be pretty viable for solo play. Some of them like Valentine may be harder to put together without assists but that’s probably due to how long it’s going to take to figure out all of her options any way.
Cerebella would be the only one that I would be worried about fighting by herself against all of the potential shit that could keep her out but I’m sure if she gets in she could cause a train wreck by herself any way. Especially considering that Mike Z loves his grapplers and is tired of the low tier grappler syndrome.
Yeah I’m sure MIke and gang ensured that every character has something for something even if they’re by themselves. I think people will be surprised at how self sufficient Peacock is even if she may ideally need an assist for some situations.
It’s way too hard for me to guess how valuable the health and strength increase will be for solo teams.
It was sarcasm =] + **Bang! ** 700 ([FONT=arial black][SIZE=5]to hits only)[/SIZE][/FONT] + **BANG! ** 700 [

](‘’) ([FONT=arial black][SIZE=5]to throws only)[/FONT][/SIZE]
I know you were being sarcastic…I just wonder about the other guy.
I honestly didn’t know about those moves. Makes me wonder why the fuck we don’t see them implemented in streams, every time I see somebody get close to an assist-less Peacock it’s a dead Peacock.
…Oh right, game isn’t even out yet most people are probably in the same boat as me. A ha ha ha.
Yeah nobody is doing real optimized stuff yet or even knows every property of their characters moves yet. Very early people are still mostly playing by feel and basic bnb into reset. That’s why I wanna get study the basic wiki stuff before the game comes out so I can at least get an idea of what’s going to get thrown at me and the properties of those moves/assists.
Eh, it’s nice to theorize, anyways. Brings up the hype level!
Word. I’d like to be surprised and it ends up that every character becomes strong on both point and anchor spot but if it is enough like Marvel there will most likely be ideal spots for some characters. There will definitely be some ideal second spot characters for certain barring DHC’s and assists.
As far as the idea of anchor Painwheel goes, I can appreciate the ability she seems to have for making those clinch comebacks, but I feel like you give up an awful lot considering her mediocre assist options. Assists seem like one of the biggest benefits of a 2/3 character team, and giving up one of those for a character that’s solely a good anchor seems like a difficult trade to make for a lot of teams (unless you’re anchor is Phoenix lol)
Feel free to correct me though, Painwheel IS one of the characters I’m less familiar with so I may be missing something <_<
I think I remember Mike commenting on her not having any particularly great assists, actually. If so the design is intentional and she was made to be a fantastic anchor and her down side is that she can’t support the rest of the team well (other than the install super). Could be totally off on that one though.
Right now I’m mainly interested in playing Peacock/Double/Parasoul. Since I haven’t gotten to experiment with anything yet, I’d probably run default assists for a while, unless someone can suggest something else.
I dunno it depends on the range of her c.MP. As long as her c.MP has a decent hit box and start up speed as an assist I’ll be fine with running that since it’s a 2 hit low attack. Plus I’ll be running Parasoul second who’s pretty self sufficient any way with natural special moves that negate projectiles and the ability to put a lot shit on the screen on her own. Shouldn’t need to DHC into much anybody at that point. The idea is to win with Parasoul but if Parasoul gets fucked up, Painwheel can drop down with meters ready to.
With my team I’m going to assume that Parasoul is a better character to DHC into than Painwheel any way. I’m gonna go like I wanted to in Marvel and just pick who I like and make the team based on that. I’m not sure if death crawl is safe on block or not. Looks a bit laggy on block if anything but I’ll have to see. I already got an invincible assist with Parasoul to keep shit off Valentine and help her pressure game as she goes in. The fact that it’s invincible and has a big anti air hit box makes it like a weaker cap com assist with invincibility. Which should prove to be very strong for both offense and defense.
The wiki guide tells you that Valentine is a natural choice for anchor due to all of her supers (and safe supers to DHC into). Which I’m sure is true to some extent. It’s just Valentine doesn’t really seem like she has the attributes on her own to be a character you really want to be throwing out there by herself. She seems to have solid normals but her special moves seem rather limited for use without an assist and she doesn’t seem to really have anything like hatred guard to bully people without utilizing meter.
Level 5 super to bring a character back to 1/3 life isn’t bad…but it’s a level 5 super so it’s auto kinda bad. LOL. I don’t see any of her other supers being really abusable to the point where she’s a surefire character you want as anchor. Double seems like a better character for just throwing out there and putting shit on the screen as an anchor.
If Painwheel’s lack of power assists prove to be that much of a burden for Parasoul in some matchups (I doubt it for now), then I can always DHC or tag in Painwheel and run her like Sent+CapCom with invincible AA assist.
Well you kinda have to consider that since all of a character’s normals and specials can be used as assists…the fact that she doesn’t have any top tier assists is probably more so an effect of how she was designed on point. If you could use aerial moves as assists that would probably completely change. It’s just when only ground based normals and specials can be used as assists that tends to lean towards certain character archetypes being better for assists than others.
Unless not allowing her to use hatred guard during assists was forced for that reason. It could also have been forced due to them thinking it would have been too strong as an assist also I guess. Even then the hatred guard is only active during the start up frames.
For my day 1 team I’m gonna use Ms. Fortune on point, Cerebella on battery, and Valentine on anchor. Valentine is my favorite character in this game, and I would use her on point, but personally I feel she’s better with more meter and as an anchor on my team. Ms. Fortune looks really fun to play while still seeming like a really good mix up character, but I’m using her on point because she looks much more effective with assists, and honestly I kinda just love all her dorky puns and I’m using Cerebella because she just seems like a good addition to any team, with great damage and assists. I’m not gonna say she is overpowered because it looks like her mobility and mix ups are pretty limited, and I feel like people are going to complain that she’s overpowered when the game first comes out, but eventually they will find out how to better deal with her and she won’t be as OPish. Anyways for assists, On Ms. Fortune I’m not really sure which assist I want to use with her because from what I’ve seen her assists don’t look all that great, which is part of the reason why I’m using her on point. For Valentine I was thinking I would use her Izuna Drop command grab, because it looks like it has good range, but I’ll have to see how easy it is to punish, and for Cerebella I wanted to use her lariat-ish move where she comes in and spins her fists around as a get off me assist. If I can find a get off me assist with Valentine though I would much rather use that and use Cerebella’s command grab (diamond chop is what its called I think?) because that grab looks easier to combo off that Valentine’s Izuna Drop. I guess only time will tell!(: Anyways, if anyone knows any good assists with Ms. Fortune or Valentine I would really appreciate any suggestions. If its at all possible, I would love to hear some constructive criticism on my team and what it seems like its overall effectiveness will be. I’m really excited for this game and look forward to playing with all of you guys when it comes out!(: I play on Xbox and my gamertag is Hyypershadow if any of yall want to add me! This game is gonna be awesome!
At least as far as her speicla go…I don’t Valentine having any real go to assists outside of her command grab assist. Her special moves don’t really seem like anything scary you’d want to use as assists. I’m sure I’m probably sleeping on some pretty good normals from either character that could be used as assists but I guess from playing Marvel I’m used to have those powerful properties behind special moves as assists.
The only non special move assist I plan on using (Painwheel’s c.MP) is a low hitting assist. I’m making sure that if I do use a normal assist that it does something unique like force you to have to block in a direction whenever it is called and you’re on the ground. Her c.HP does 3 hits and would probably be a decent lockdown assist but I think Parasoul is pretty capable without a big power assist from what it seems any way.
With Ms.Fortune I assume Nyantiair (Fiber Uppercut) would be pretty go to for its invincibility and what not.
I don’t see myself running Valentine as anchor unless she ends up somehow becoming the best anchor in the game free or something. Outside of her counter supers (they’re probably the best counter supers ever…but they’re still counter supers) I don’t see her getting that much benefit from her supers where it would make placing her ideal. Of course with her being my main character I’ll wanna put her up first and she just seems like a character that would be really fun to use with the right assists. Painwheel with her serious high/low game with the flight and hatred install super I feel at least in theory will be strong for making those comebacks and well…I just like the way she plays so I’ll throw her on there and see how it goes. Hopefully Parasoul being seemingly so strong without assists will help the cause for her as anchor.