Arachono judging by your avatar I knew you would be hyped up for Peacock ha XD
Yah i’m most existed for her though I am loving the whole cast in general. This game is showing Quality Over Quantity.
For sure. The 8 characters that are in the game are all looking very diverse and surely won’t play too much like one another. Yet all have the ability to do a little bit of everything even if they don’t excel in a specific area. Can’t wait to figure out and see what people figure out.
I am still under the impression that Valentine/Cerebella/anyone is gonna be super good. I am also under the impression that having shuriken as an assist is gonna end up being the default assist for Valentine for a lot of people simply because it allows for the application of poison as an assist, which makes for some godlike mix-ups when it is orange poison. Orange poison oki so hype.
I want to also figure out something for Fillia/Parasoul as well.
I am also under the impression that since there is custom assists that you can make synergy between characters for no reason. Team synergy is gonna be a lot easier to find once you find something that fits your personal playstyle. Then you just make the adjustments as you see fit.
the 3 characters I’m mainly interested in are Cerebella, Parasoul and Valentine. Any ideas/thoughts on how this can work? order? I want to have Bella on point but I hear she’s better in the 2nd slot, dont really have much info on the game yet to theory fight properly (which is why I’m asking you guys here lol)
I would imagine people feel Cerebella is better in the middle or anchor since she has a lot of solid assist options. She will definitely be a go to assist character with some special moves that have armor properties and others that are multi hit and lock down. All of her supers are invincible also and having an invincible command grab super as a DHC could prove for some interesting techniques. She may not be the best character to have as anchor due to being more close ranged of a fighter and not quite as mobile as other characters (least it seems that way for now).
Depends on if you’re just trying to do a 2 or 3 person team I guess. If you’re doing a 2 person team you can probably do a lot of stuff. If 3 person I would put either Valentine or Parasoul as anchor. I personally would lean more towards Parasoul since she through speculation seems more self sufficient and easier to handle without assists. Valentine loaded with meter and poisons for counter supers and command grab level 3 could prove to be very strong also if she works pretty well without assists.
Just whatever it is make sure you get a Cerebella assist in there and keep her away from the anchor spot IMO unless you’re doing a 2 person team where you have no choice.
I’ve been hearing Parasoul anchor is gonna be really good and I cant really see what makes it so good honestly, care to elaborate on that? coz if it is true i might go with the order Valentine/Bella/Parasoul.
Well I think Parasoul will prove to be a strong anchor because she doesn’t really seem like she’ll need assists to really do what she needs to do. Her Egret Dive is a really important tool to have as an anchor because it’s more or less an Ammy projectile reflector (it more so absorbs than reflects but the idea is there) that can even absorb projectile supers. It doesn’t even cost meter so you can get through a lot of the projectile based BS if things get rough without even having to spend meter. Having meter for her sniper super will also be strong since you’ll be able to stop the opponent from making any sudden movements without worrying about taking damage.
Parasoul’s normals also definitely seem among the best in the game and her Egret Call (more or less a roman cancel/attack feint) will allow her to do plenty pressure on her own without assists once people figure out the technique. She seems like the closest to a Zero or Wesker where assists certainly make them better but has all the tools from near and far to create momentum and turn things around even without assists or DHC.
Yeah she definitely seems to have the best normals and overall most well rounded play style of all the characters. Not to get into tiers but I wouldn’t be surprised if she is considered 2nd or 1st best character in the game early on.
yeah. Her only weak spot I can come up with - possibility to lose gunfight to Peacock (especially assisted one) because Parasoul’s zoning is weaker and she doesn’t have very good mobility to get in against Peacock. Against all other chars PS can use keep-away game with tears. And when they’re closing distance - they’ll get combos for days from her.
Those are just theories though =]
I definitely wanna try out Fortune (s. MP) / Parasoul (Bike Egret). I figure I don’t really need to use Napalm Pillar or Nyantiair as assists for these two because, well… obviously they both each have an anti-air :P.
Way I see it, Bike Egret is mobile cover for Fortune to get close to that pesky zoning Parasoul or Peacock, and if it hits, hooray a wall bounce to start a combo with. Now that I think of it, I might be able to work it into MF’s ground chain to extend her combos (maybe, hard to say for sure obviously).
And s.MP assist for Parasoul is just to help her blockstrings up close, go for overheads/lows etc. pretty self explanatory but it looks like a solid assist if you’re character doesn’t benefit hugely from Nyantiair like Parasoul does, bonus points for mixup pontential (and Parasoul’s got that in Spades).
As far as DHC’s (or CSC’s as I guess it’d be abbreviated in this game since it’s not Mahvel) I think it’s pretty safe to say Cat Scratch > Motor Brigade looks pretty safe on block. Cat Scratch (head on) looks like it could combo into any of Parasoul’s supers thanks to the slide (not sure about Motor Brigade, but I don’t think there’d be any trouble connecting Silent Scope or Inferno Brigade from it). Feral Edge definitely links into Silent Scope, not sure how well it DHC’s otherwise…
I don’t think the DHC options work all that well in the other direction though, Silent Scope > Cat Scratch/5th of Dismember might work at the right distance, but beyond that it seems like Parasoul would need to be doing a corner combo to DHC into Fortune very well, but that’s one of the reasons why she’s anchor and not on point here…
I’m seriously considering a solo ms fortune. I’ll probably end up using the head attacks as pseudo-assists for the whole match. The problem with that is things like Parasouls egret bike super or bionic car. Those can hit the head easily for a ton of damage. Who seems to be a good teamate for ms fortune right now?
I was thinking of running Valentine(Bodybag command grab), Parasoul(Bike Egret), and Peacock(Item drop or flying bomb). Though I have the feeling that I might switch Parasouls assist to napalm pillar(it just seems so much better). I would also like to see what shenanigans I can do with Parasoul’s Rapid cancel soldier assist, like shuriken >Rc>load syringe with Val or driving bomb>Rc>teleport with Peacock. So many options, I’m a bit overwhelmed.
I think Peacock is going to be a pretty poor anchor. Most of the characters in this game have some way to deal with keepaway on a basic level and Peacock doesn’t really have any good options for GTFO on her own. Her best bet is the grab; the fact that it launches people to the other side of the screen is going to be useful and just the threat of a Level Three grab can make people wary to approach her.
She does have a teleport to help get away, though I think you’re right. I guess I’ll switch Peacock to second and Parasoul last. Peacock seems like she’ll be more annoying with assists and Parasoul seems like a better anchor because of all her tools. Anyway thank you for your input, I appreciate it.
Parasoul’s RC soldier doesn’t work as an assist iirc, she just hops out, calls the soldier and they leave, just as well, that assist would be too abuseable…
The Egret Call assist thing is good to know. I was wondering about that as an assist and makes sense that it is nullified as an assist. Certain other moves you can’t use to their full potential as assists also. Like how you can’t use the hatred guard charge on Painwheel’s normals as assists.