I actually had no idea you could DHC in this game until I watched some footage earlier today, so in all honesty I wasn’t thinking about that at all. lol
I’m much better with Ms. fortune than Painwheel though, could you give me a recommendation on an assist or something I could give Painwheel to give Ms. Fortune some help? I know it sounds kind of odd, but even though I have Painwheel on this team I would like to focus more on using Ms. Fortune.
One of the guys I talked to seems to like Painwheel’s MP projectile assists for a long range pressure tool and mix up. I personally like her c.MP although that alone won’t give you what you need to get in in certain matchups.
Ms.Fortune seems like a character that’s capable of being effective at a lot of areas on the screen though. She can also do a good job building meter for Painwheel who can go nuts with hatred install super which makes Painwheel a lot more self sufficient. Remember that if you do a super with Painwheel and then DHC/CSC into Painwheel’s Hatred Install, her level 3 will only spend 2 meters (meaning you only spend 3 meters instead of 4).
I’m trying to get the hang of this game by recreating Team Scrub by using Painwheel/Peacock/Parasoul. I kinda like the team but I’m not really feeling Parasoul at the moment. The assist is great but the character just doesn’t feel right for me. What other good AA/space control assists should I be considering? I hear Double has a great one but it sounds like if Painwheel dies the Peacock/Double duo would be free to another Painwheel.
filia’s updo could work inplace of parasoul’s pillar
Guys, what do you think of my brand new team I made up? Peacock(QCF+HK)/Double(H. Hornet Bomber)
It could be pretty good I think.
Supposedly the invincibility on booty butt is getting nerfed so we’ll see.
Could you get a quote on that? I tried looking for one myself but I found Mike saying “it’s week one, adapt to it”.
I’m with Mike Z on that shit. It’s a bit overrated of an assist even with the invincibility. I love how much of an old man he is. People just call the OP/nerf card so fast these days with the new games. People trying to tear XF3 Sentinel into the ground in another game basically.
It was Dacidbro in a tweet that said the stuff about booty assist.
The only acceptable name for H. Hornet Bomber is now Booty Butt Cheeks.
Also nerfing it would basically go against everything Mike Z said about his views on balance changes before the game came out.
I realized that Cerebooty is not as good as people say it is when I tried using it myself.
It’s a great assist and all, but the fact that it can completely whiff at certain distances, one of which is the one that puts Peacock in fits, really hurts it. Napalm Pillar is a more reliable GTFO as far as I can tell, though Cerebooty is and always will be great in the neutral game.
Yeah I feel Akuma assist in Marvel 3 is more oppressing than that assist especially considering that hitting point characters don’t stop the assist from coming out in that game.
Yeah it’s a pretty good assist and all but the invincibility will only get you if you’re not playing patient and the fact that it has a dead spot in the middle that you can crouch under makes it so the point character has to be doing more of the work outside of a certain range. If you got an invincible assist yourself it’s not that difficult to fight against. Otherwise just play patient and realize that it’s punishable on block if they don’t protect it from a far distance.
That’s why I like Painwheel because she generally just stays above the height where it’s much of a problem. She’s also the smallest croucher in the game so she can duck it nicely as well.
It is a nice transition between the lockdown of cerecopter and the invincibility of updo and napalm tho.
Update on my theory crafted team. StriDoom with Painwheel (c.Strong)/Double (RH Hornet Bomber)/Cerebella (Cerecopter) does work if Painwheel puts in a lot of work at the beginning of the round and loads Double with 3.5-4 meters.
Whenever Painwheel is low on health you can TK Aerial Super DHC into Catellite Lives and chip them down or run left/right dash mix-ups in conjuction with Cerecopter assist. You should be able to get 2 Cerecopter assists depending on how you time it but it gives you enough time to do something like Cerecopter Assist, Catellite Lives heads are running off screen, Hornet Bomber, Super Cancel into Catellite Lives. You can repeat this process for good chip damage but the bulk of the damage will be the left/right dash mix-ups. The big problem is when it comes down to anchor Cerebella and she has to face a zoning team or try to clean up. I don’t use grapplers so I’m not feeling Cerebella.
I’ve opted to switch her out for Parasoul for the Napalm Pillar assist and it’s been working wonders in terms of improving Painwheel’s neutral game. A lot of the time the combination of the two assists allows Painwheel to OCV entire teams or take out a 1 character team.
…Just keep in mind that patch take a long ass time to do. So Mike Z can time wait and see exactly happens to Double’s invincible assist.
If you don’t have Ms Fortune (DP), Parasoul (Flashkick), Filia (DP) or Double (Cerebooty) assist as your anchor it will be difficult to avoid getting rushed down and stuck in the corner. Any other assists good as a get off me move?
As far as other decent GTFO assists…
Other ones that aren’t bad and worth trying that are decent for both anti air and grounded situations are Cerebella’s DP+MP (Devil Horns) and Peacock’s qcf+LP (Bang).**
Cerebella’s Devil Horns is like having Makoto’s fukiage with a much bigger hit box and invincible as an assist. It only does one hit but it’s invincible so people can’t fuck with her once it’s out. Sets up a very long hit confirm for combos if it hits also where they fly up and behind you very close to you.
Peacock’s LP Bang isn’t bad at all. Does one hit but she’s invincible once she releases it and the hit box for it extends wide and makes it pretty good for anti air as well as ground situations. Not Napalm Pillar or HP Updo but it gets the job done if you want something that works without picking Filia or Parasoul.
Ms.Fortune’s qcb+any punch (Cat Strike) is not bad as an every other use get off me against grounded situations. The head is invincible and staggers the opponent if it hits giving a long hit confirm for a combo starter. It’s just since she has to take her head off to do it you have to call the assist again to “recharge” it (she brings her head back to her body as an assist) then you can use again. The stagger only happens at close range though (it goes 2 hits at closer range to work as a decent lockdown also).
funnily enough i dont even think its the invulnerability on booty butt that makes it so great… they can nerf all of its invul frames and it will still be a menace, mark my words.
the thing that the assist really has going for it is its range with spacial control, its height of effectiveness, and its ablility to hit (be blocked) multiple times in the air… its invulnerability i’d say was its least biggest strength… its already vulnerable at start for 2 frames anyways… doesnt matter with all the space it controls.
Copied this from the Valentine thread.
I am using Painwheel (cr.mp) /Valentine (HP Ninja Star) /Parasoul (Captain Corridor).
Painwheel with Napalm Pillar is pretty much Sentinel with Captain Corridor. She’s really good while in flight mode and both Ninja Star and Napalm covering her. Valentine uses Cruel Lily for mixups and lockdown, also Napalm covers her. Parasoul gets the least of the three, but still gets Ninja Star to help her zone, or Cruel Lily if she wants to pressure wit Napalm Shots. The three assist are also great for combo extensions, for example, Valentine gets a free vial with either assist in between the combo (so she doesn’t Vials at the beginning of her combos if she’s close to the corner). Ninja Star just allows Parasoul and Painhwheel to link any chain into anything pretty much. Painwheel assist is probably the best combo extender because of the many active frames it has. Remember also that Ninja Star could turn into Green Vial assist, which would allow for some crazy combo extensions.
DHCs also have a lot of potential. Painwheel can do a combo, DHC into Valentine, and Valentine can TOD the opponent (starting with 1 and 1/10 Meters, no vial at the start, midscreen and in the corner). From my little testing, Valentine can do the same thing and DHC into Parasoul’s :d::df::f::lk::mk: super and she can continue the combo without even letting the opponent touch the floor (no ground bounce wasted). Parasoul can also DHC into Painwheel for her to continue the combo (again, without even wasting the ground bounce). So right now you have the following DHCs that have huge damage potential. DHCing early from Painwheel’s air super also allows Parasoul to combo after without wasting the ground bounce. Any combo that Parasoul does can end in a Napalm Pillar xx :d::df::f::lk::mk: into Kunai DHC and it will also allow Valentine to continue the combo without wasting the ground bounce.
- Painwheel > Valentine (wastes ground bounce)
- Valentine > Parasoul
- Parasoul > Painwheel
- Painwheel > Parasoul
- Parasoul > Valentine
Only one missing is Valentine into Painwheel, but I don’t think it’s possible unless you use Painwheel’s Install Super (Lv.3).
Best order for the team IMO right now is Painwheel/Valentine/Parasoul or Valentine/Painwheel/Parasoul. I see Jin is also playing this team eh? Cool.
Also, 3 Women Team > 2 Women Team free.
Until my Painwheel dies I don’t really mind it too much so it’ll be interesting to see what happens when the invincibility is nerfed away. I guess just less careless calls for similar space control.
I dunno man, if Cerebooty didn’t have that invincibility during flight I’d be able to snipe it out of the air and give zero fucks about the assist. It would still be an issue for characters that lack good zoning but Peacock and Parasoul at the very least would be able to shut it down completely.
let me put it this way… sent assist has no invincibility… yet is still one of that games best assists. akuma assist has no invincibility and yet is still one of that games best assists… now they are good for different reasons, but they both control that EXTREMELY IMPORTANT low height jump/airdash space and akuma, even though he has no invincibilty against strikes still has a ton of priority.
the range on booty is its most attractive/best feature. losing invincibility on startup just makes it a little less good as a gtfo… but there are no true gtfo assists in this game… they are all bad when called if point character is on the ground and being harrassed, they are all easily stuffed… i see parasols pillar get stuffed all day. i DONT see booty get stuffed cause people arent calling it UNDER PRESSURE, they are calling it just before pressure happens, ie at the spacing where the opponent cant hit it with active frames…
anywho im not saying that nerfing its invincibility wont make it worse… it definitely will… but that assist will still be a menace if thats all that happens and i dont feel as if nerfing its invincibility is really getting at the root of why the assist is good. but its meh to me cause i like gtfo assist in most forms as i feel they force smarter play all around both defensively and offensively… i just dont think they should do much dmage nor should they be able to easily be combo’d off of… like jins AAA and maybe capcoms seemed to be the best at being actual gtfos without giving haggar like otg easy ass combos on hit, which is dumb.
seriously i see no need for mike and co to nerf AAA with those 2 stupid invulnerable frames… i called an invincible move… i WANT an invincible move. there are other, better ways, to nerf them such as making them have much more recovery (this would DEFINITELY be one of my fixes) as well as making them do less damage on the whole, as well as making them very hard/imossible to be combo’d off of.
if those things are done we have good gtfo moves that work as designed and force smarter play, yet arent gamebreaking in the least. good games have a combinaion of offense and defense. all of either makes games uninteresting cause the most interesting decisions are made in neutral and offensive games suffer REALLY bad neutrals and defensive games suffer from way to much neutral.