I don’t know if this is said yet but, sometimes Filia says, “Staying Alive,” during her IPS counter thing.
This could be a reference to Bee Gee’s song of Staying Alive. Although, I’m not sure because they don’t really have afros.
Here’s one thing that everyone missed: An 80 hit combo is dubbed an ULTRA COMBOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Well it was the ‘disco’ era and she is doing the typical pose / dance (pointing upwards) that’s keen to disco.
So yes, that’s a reference
[]Forgot -___-
[]Penny Proud
[]Senjougahara Hitagi
[]Triela Hillshire
[]Pre Samson
[]Shakugan no Shana
[]Hatsune Miku
[]Rei Miyamoto
[]Reisen Udongein Inaba
****One of These I’m pretty sure is Usagi Tsukino
[]Rainbow Mika
[]Harley Quinn
[]Hulk Hogan
[]Bunny Suit
[]Seras Victoria Vampire
[]Green Tager Alternate Palette
[]USA Colors
[]Yoruichi Shihoin
****Not Released Yet
It’s not Senjougahara, dammit! Why does everyone think that? It’s based off of this.
Why does this bother me so much? >_>
Just a couple of Painwheel trivias more than easter eggs:
Painwheel has two synthetic parasites - the Buer Drive that gives her flight and the Gae Bolga that is responsible for all the nails and spikes inside her body.
Buer is a demon often depicted as a lion head with five goat legs arranged around it in a circle, making it look like a propeller. You might remember this guy from Final Fantasy VIII.
Gáe Bulg (sometimes called Gáe Bolga) is the weapon of Chúculainn, a hero from Irish mythology. It was described as a spear that pierced the opponent, then split into 30 shards that could not be removed without cutting them out.
Finally, Carol means “Free Man”, a name and status that was stolen from her.
Also Buer was featured in Castlevania games more then ones.
Freeman thing is interesting though. We already has one FG char with such name. He was creepy too. I love him =]
Hey. This kinda doesn’t belong here, but kinda might. I’m wondering, about the Halloween Limited Edition Peacock shirt (just noticed the bombs have little eights in their face), is the hat that Peacock and Avery are wearing supposed to be a reference to I-no, from Guilty Gear? They clearly are not the same hat, yet when I look at it I can’t help but think that inspired it (either that or the magic hat from Harry Potter).
Here’s the pictures of both.
If they aren’t referencing her hat, does anyone know if it’s a reference at all, or simply two cool hats?
Here’s the Harry Potter hat, if ya wanna look at that too…
I was think it’s either the sorting hat or Boogey’s head (nightmare before christmas)
If it’s any sort of reference I would be very shocked if it was not I-No. Alex has drawn her plenty in the past, and the hat brim is identically shaped.
Also, it’s based on this:

That must be an early prototype. I’ve never seen it before.
Same here. Although, I never trudged through all the old artwork of characters, I assumed they’d all be different anyway so there was no point. I think I realized that when I saw the picture of Filia turned into a giant hair monster for her “Uber Mode” super, or something.
Now, that I remember. Maybe in SG2: Skull Hearter Slightly Different Edition EX
Please no.
Is it just me or does Bella’s color 11 remind anyone of a certain Capcom character…?