Got a video of that DHC glitch.
[LEFT]Console : PS3[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Console model : Fat, 250GB hdd (I have replaced the default seagate drive!)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Game mode glitch occurred in :Quick Match\Join\Host unranked online.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team and assists you used (if you remember) : cerebella team size 1[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : any[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Stage being played : any[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Connection: Wired[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Type of glitch : Extreme teleporting and lag.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Free Text : Sup Mike, I hope you could reply and at least take notice in this issue.
I don’t seem to be the only one suffering from it, but it seems there’s not much attention on the matter.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Whenever I play online, regardless of how good the ping is (I mostly play with local friends which nets me 20-30 ping)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]the game stutters a lot and I experience a ton of teleporting, along with really delayed inputs.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I have tried setting GGPO from 0-5, with no success.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The weird thing is, My opponents seem to have a very solid game and experience no lag at all.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This is obviously very frustrating.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I have tried redownloading the game, though I didn’t think it’d help.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Also, I tried connecting my modem directy to the PS3, still - no dice.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Is there ANYTHING I can do to make this annoyance gone?
Or am I to wait for an upcoming patch…?[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Is this even a known issue? [/LEFT]
[LEFT]Please, I really want to invest time in this game, but at this rate I’ll have to drop it since without online it won’t hold as much interest for me.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Thanks a bunch.[/LEFT]
He was player 1 (Cerebella team). I did my super well after he started his. I don’t think he had the meter to DHC or anything. I may have tried to DHC to Ms Fortune right after, but I don’t remember. Background music was still playing.
[LEFT]Console : Fat PS3 80Gb[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Game mode glitch occurred in : Network/Matchmaking[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Type of glitch : Network/UI[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Other details that may / may not be relevant: I’m behind NAT with no inbound holes, don’t know if this affects the issue.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I have some problems with the matchmaking (EU PSN). Because its not out yet, there’s no one playing, so I have a lot of bad pings. This means a lot of matches get declined.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The issue: When playing ranked matchmaking, If the match gets declined for any reason, the matchmaking doesn’t restart properly. It just stands at “Remote Player declined” / “You declined” / “Error joining room” / “Room already full” and does nothing (I waited maybe 20min?), you have to back out with Circle then restart the ranked matchmaking, and it will again find a room immediately.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Comments about some other issues people have mentioned:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]- I’ve also seen the ranked matchmaking process stop at “Joined a room” like someone mentioned before. I assume that happens because there was an problem joining, but the console doesn’t get any notification of it, so it should probably time out and restart matchmaking.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]- The game starts to slow down under extreme latency (150-200+). At 250ms+ its usually like a slideshow / running really slowly. It gets worse and worse, but obviously nothing the netcode can do about this. Just something to consider if people see this kind of thing happen online mysteriously, it might be due to a bad connection. Connection is not always reflected in ping, depending on how ping is measured (or the connection might have lag spikes, but just happened to be good at the moment it was measured). One way to test is try your console at a known good connection, to see if the connection is the problem. Also note that there can be bad latency in only one direction of the connection, so the other person would see everything ok, while you see latency problems.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]- Regarding leaderboards, when using a ranking mechanism like trueskill, its very possible that you win and drop in rank, if other people played at the same time and got more rating than you did. This is the likely reason why capcom games use dumb point systems, because a real skillbased ranking mechanism can seem confusing to the players, and not very rewarding: When you reach the rating for your skill, you stop going up, contrary to a simple point system, where you’ll keep going up slower. But it does produce more accurate matchmaking results, which is a good thing™.[/LEFT]
OK, just in case this is a glitch…
Ms. Fortune’s head can become invincible to Ms. Fortune’s own attacks if she holds HP… then by letting go you can negative edge anything, so you can combo a LOT.
Seems… a bit game breaking, unless of course it’s meant that way in which case I’ll go to the lab and practice this lol
Example someone made:
Any system, any HD, any stage, any assists, any characters, etc.
The most important part is that you let me know if this won’t be patched so I can get to practicing this crap lol
Oh noes! Parasoul can now lock people in invisible washing machines ! :eek:
Xbox 360 (newer model with smooth finish)
Just bumping the leaderboard glitch, I don’t know if there is anything that can be done but I’m just confirming that more than one person is experiencing it. For example, this morning I was ranked number 6 on Xbox Live and after winning 2 ranked games I had jumped to rank 10, and furthermore to rank 15 after more games without losing. Also I’m curious as to how the leaderboards work as it is very vague, thanks.
Console: PS3
Model: Fat
Occurrence: Change Characters/Local Versus/Character Select
Glitch: Lag/Temporary Freeze
Was playing local versus when it happened. I hit play again to keep my chars, my friend hit change characters. When it loaded back to the character select screen the game seemed to freeze for a good 15 seconds or so. After that time period the game unfroze and all the input that my friend (player two) spammed kicked in and picked chars/assists/all that jazz and immediately started the next round (lol). Game activity resumed normally afterwards.
Xbox slim, 4GB, online versus, Val(me) vs Misfortune (1v1): Major Surgery doesn’t work on beheaded Misfortune! It hits once or twice & drops >_>
It was supposed to be a match-ender & when it dropped, we were both standing completely still for about 3 seconds in complete ‘WTF?’
Swift Edit: this got mentioned a few posts up__facepalm
Reporting this instead of a friend
Console: PS3
Model: Fat
Occurance: netplay, (single player? i’ll confirm it tomorrow)
Glitch: Game running at 80% speed
Confirming the bug that on old ass 50Hz PAL CRT the game runs at 50fps for both players.
[edit] It was realllllllly painful to find out why we were getting this constant slowdown even with stable 11-12ms ping.
PAL @ 50hz - thank you, sorry sorry sorry sorry. Sad nobody anywhere caught it before shipping, top of the list to fix. (^.^)
Fortune holding HP to not have her head screw up combos is intentional. I even mentioned it in a change log way back. The fix for that loop, if it gets one, is elsewhere.
DHC freeze - GOT IT. Have P2 DHC on the same frame as a superflash from P1. Only works as P2, and only as a DHC - regular superflashes work fine. Weird, I had tested that before…ah well, adding it to the list.
[edit] For the networking stuff, I don’t know what to suggest for fixing it. Try plugging your console directly into your modem, or take it to a friend’s house? If taking it to a friend’s house doesn’t help, THEN we have a problem and I want to know.
Thanks for taking notice.
I’ve tried plugging it directly to my mode, the issue persists.
I am going to a friend’s house tomorrow to see if this is still an issue.
we had a bug the morning while playing online with a friend:
Console : xbox360
Console model : 2 x old ( 4+ years )
Hard drive size : 11go / 20 go
Game mode glitch occurred in : versus online, no ranked
Team and assists you used (if you remember) : parasoul/cerebella
Team and assists opponent used (if you remember) : ms. fortune
Stage being played : skullgirl stage/last stage
Type of glitch : lag, slowdown
ping: 46ms
we played some game everything fine, we retry after each one no problem.
then we get to the last stage( with blue vein everywhere) the game start to lag, slow down a bit, unplayable
newt stage was fine again.
( we both played on this stage in the story mode without problem )
Something weird happened at time out I had the life lead my opponent got a couple of hits on me and my life went down after the match had already ended idk if it’s a bug or not but i thought i should post about it.
Yes, we let the match continue after time out so you could see whether that last hit would really have killed them / made any difference. It doesn’t change the result, which is decided right at time up.
I posted this in GD for no good reason, but here it is again:
Parasoul’s backthrow is kind of weird. Canceling into qcf registers as qcb and vice versa, so sniper supers turn into level 3s (and vice versa). I can wait a very very long time to do this (so long that the level 3 can’t even combo off of the throw… I don’t think you even have to cancel; you can just wait until the throw ends and then try to do a sniper shot), and this is still consistently happening. Which is good, because it means I can consistently choose to do the wrong input (and therefore get the one that I actually want), but still bad because… it’s still the wrong input.
Not sure if this happens for other characters or whatever. “Testing” was against Fortune, but I’m sure it’s happened against other characters midmatch too.
edit: ohhhh, I’m guessing this is so she can hold charge?
The recovery of her throw is very long. (^.^)
Double’s tag in will sometimes cross up, is this intentional?